Over 30 past and present members of the Select Sires lineup sired animals that stood in the top five of their Holstein or Red and White classes at this year’s fall shows.
7HO10506 Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD-ET (EX-90), 7HO8190 Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ (EX-94), 7HO8221 Golden-Oaks St ALEXANDER-ET (EX-94), 7HO9264 Lirr Drew DEMPSEY (VG-86) and 7HO9165 Regancrest S BRAXTON-ET (EX-95) sired the largest number of Select-sired standouts at the All-American Dairy Show, World Dairy Expo, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE).
In Holstein Association USA’s recently released Pedigree Analysis of National Show Winners, G W ATWOOD, SANCHEZ, ALEXANDER, BRAXTON, 7HO10920 Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP-ET (EX-92), DEMPSEY and 7HO9420 Fustead Goldwyn GUTHRIE-ET (EX-94) were among the top 22 leading sires of national show winners. G W ATWOOD ranked second overall and in heifers, while SANCHEZ was the second-leading sire of show-winning cows. Both rank as the top active A.I. sire in those respective categories and all seven sires listed have semen readily available.
G W ATWOOD led the Showcase Selections™ lineup with the highest number of class winners and champions this show season, highlighted by Cameron-Ridge Atwood Beauty, the junior champion at both World Dairy Expo and the All-American Dairy Show. Beauty is owned by Chris and Jennifer Hill and Gene Iager of Thurmont, Md. Claquato-RH Elicit-ET was the winning senior two-year-old for Gene Iager of Fulton, Md. at the All-American Dairy Show and the Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show. In Louisville, Elicit was named intermediate champion. In the International Junior Holstein Show at World Dairy Expo, G W ATWOOD dominated the heifer show siring the junior champion and reserve junior champion. St-Jacob Atwood Adria, exhibited by Andrew and Mackenzie Reynolds, Corfu, N.Y., and Gebarten Atwood Maria owned by Taylor Morrill, Dekalb Junction, N.Y., earned those honors. The winning junior calf and summer yearling at the Canadian National Holstein Show as well as the winning senior two-year-old at the All-American Dairy Show were also G W ATWOOD daughters.
SANCHEZ emerged as a top sire of cows on the tanbark. Leading the way was the honorable mention intermediate champion at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Valleyville Rae Lynn (VG-89), owned by Quality Holsteins, Granja Ponderosa, Al-Be-Ro Land and Cattle and Agriber of Vaughan, Ontario. Also at the Royal, Phoenix Sanchez Geo (VG-88) exhibited by Breamont Holsteins of Tavistock, Ontario, was the first place junior three-year-old. Jacobs Sanchez Blacky-ET (VG-87), owned by Jacob Dueppengiesser of Perry, N.Y., was the reserve intermediate champion of the junior show at World Dairy Expo. A SANCHEZ daughter was also the winning junior two-year-old at NAILE.
At the North American International Livestock Exposition, two Select-sired heifers rose to the top of the shows. Crossjen Dempsey Jana-ET, sired by DEMPSEY and owned by Jennifer Wakeley, Rockford, Ill., was the reserve junior champion of the open show while GOLD CHIP daughter, Four-Hills GC Rhyme 3846-ET was junior champion of the junior show for her owner, Elizabeth Hill of Bristol, Vt.
Daughters of 7HO10999 Regancrest-GV S BRADNICK-ET (EX-94), 7HO11118 Mr Atwood BROKAW-ET (VG-86), 7HO11283 De-Su D MAYFIELD 893-ET (EX-90) and 7HO8165 England-Ammon MILLION-ET (EX-92-GM) were also spotted at the top of their classes.
In the Red and White world, 7HO11163 Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED-ET daughter, Milksource Ld Teagin-Red-ET, was junior champion of the junior show at World Dairy Expo. Teagin is owned by Jordan Elmore and Kadyn Gibson of Eminence, Ky. 7HO10000 Big APPLE-RED-ET and 7HO10647 Ladinodale AARON-RED-ET sired animals that were at the top of their classes.
7HO7872 KHW Kite ADVENT-RED-ET (EX-94) continued to dominate Red and White shows across the country and received his fifth consecutive Premier Sire banner at World Dairy Expo. He sired top cows such as the reserve supreme champion of the junior show at World Dairy Expo, intermediate champion at the Canadian National Holstein Show and grand champion of the Canadian National Red and White Show and All-American Red and White Show. Another former lineup sire, 7HO9236 MD-Valleyvue CAMDEN-RED-ET (VG-88) had an exceptional show season as his daughters were tapped reserve junior champion at World Dairy Expo and junior champion and reserve junior champion of the Red and White show at the Royal.
For more information about Select’s complete Showcase Selections lineup visit http://www.selectsires.com/designations/showcase.html.