Prison Dairy farms receive money to improve milking facilities - Cowsmo

Prison Dairy farms receive money to improve milking facilities

The state Controlling Board released more than $60,000 for improvements at state prison dairy farms.

The panel, without comment, signed off on $38,123 to replace 199 stalls in the dairy barn at the Pickaway Correctional Institution, where inmates milk cows twice a day every day of the year.

The resulting milk is packaged and delivered to prison food service operations, where it is used in inmate meals.

Existing stalls at the Pickaway facility “have deteriorated over time and can no longer be repaired,” according to documents, which added, “The freestalls improve the quality and quantity of milk production by providing the dairy cows with a clean, dry resting area and easy access to food and water.”

Also Tuesday, the lawmaker panel approved $25,000 for related equipment and services at the Pickaway and Chillicothe correctional institutions.

Hills Supply Inc. from Stark County will provide products, maintenance and “repairs required to keep the (prisons’ dairy) machines operational,” according to documents.

Marc Kovac is the Dix Capital Bureau Chief. Email him at [email protected] or on Twitter at OhioCapitalBlog.


Source The Daily Record


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