Normande Association To Host National Show - Cowsmo

Normande Association To Host National Show

Normande Association To Host National Show

Mineral Point, WI- The North American Normande Association, NANA, is hosting their National Normande Show on Saturday, September 30th, 2023 starting at 11am at the Iowa County Fairgrounds in Mineral Point, WI. The National Normande Show is a way for breeders from all over the United States to come and showcase their Normande cattle. In 2022, the show drew ten breeders from three different states that showed forty-two animals. This years judges are Eric Lyons of Toledo, IA and David Bolen of Tama, Iowa. The NANA National Show started in 2007 in Manchester, Iowa. In 2008, the association hosted the International CINOR (Counsel International Normande Organizations & Registries) during World Dairy Expo in Mineral Point, WI. Observing the show was nearly 100 CINOR attendees from Europe and South America. There were forty-two dairy and beef Normandes exhibited by six breeders from Iowa and Wisconsin. Since then NANA has continued hosting a national show in the early fall in Mineral Point. The public is invited to the show to meet the breeders and to see what Normande cattle have to offer. The National Normande Show will also be live streamed via the associations Facebook page, North American Normande Association- NANA. This will allow spectators to enjoy this annual event from around the world. For more information visit our website or our Facebook page North American Normande Association – NANA.


Our Mission

As the official breed Association for Normande cattle in the United States, the purpose of the North American Normande Association is to provide breeders of Normande cattle an official organization through which they can register their animals so as to ensure the integrity of Normande genetics in the United States. The second purpose of the North American Normande Association is to promote the Normande breed in both the dairy and beef industries. The third purpose of the North American Normande Association is to collect and record official performance data on Normande cattle so as to improve our selection and breeding programs. This purpose includes providing tangible evidence of the genetic and profitable contributions the Normande breed can make to the dairy and beef industries. The goals of the North American Normande Association are two-fold. Our first goal is to increase the genetic influence Normande have upon the dairy and beef industries. Our second goal is to provide breeders of Normande cattle Association programs that recognize the top Normande genetics and the breeders who develop those top genetics.

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