Very positive results for the three days that just ended in Montichiari: the scheduled events were very successful, which resulted in a large turnout of the public, both on the occasion of the Technical Conference held at the Agricultural Services Center, and on the stands of the ring and in the adjacent ANAFIBJ stand, where the novelty of the show-cases was much appreciated.
On Friday 21 October, the Technical Conference began the events, in a new location supported by the fact that it is a real window overlooking the animal posts and, therefore, the “behind the scenes” work of the breeders, who are the protagonists of the exhibitions, but also the recipients of all the work that the Association carries out every day. This year’s conference was dedicated to the novelties in the field of sensors and the selection of the dairy cow: after the opening of the works of the President ANAFIBJ Fortunato Trezzi and a first speech by Francesco Bongiovanni of Mipaaf on the perspectives for the sustainability of the sector animal husbandry, the Association’s technicians presented the results of the new phenotype measuring activities launched at the Genetic Center and introduced the new indices for environmental impact and food efficiency. Following two presentations by the Universities of Padua and Milan on the CowSens project, an international presentation from Germany on the Data Exchange System and the IDDEN Project and a double presentation by the AIA on new sensors for a latest generation milking control service and on diffusion of sensors in Italian stables, in evident growth and application. At the conclusion of the work, several presentations directly from the industry on sensors in the stable in the third millennium and the effective collaborations with ANAFIBJ and AIA. The subject dealt with attracted over 200 technicians and breeders, who filled the room and who showed great interest in the innovations and projects on display. The planned presentations kept the attention high and the final comments of the participants showed great appreciation for the work done and future prospects.
The first day of Montichiari also kicked off the 10th Open Junior Show, which ended on Saturday morning and saw 32 young breeders from 9 European countries compete in various competitions (Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Holland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Spain and, of course, Italy). In Junior competitions (age up to 18), Italy excelled in clipping and judging contest, while in the showmanship the first place went to Holland (followed by Italy and Spain). Among the seniors, however, Ireland gained first place both in the judgment and in the showmanship, while in the clipping contest the United Kingdom excelled.
On Saturday 22 October, in the afternoon, the parade of the heifers of the 70th edition of the National Frisian exhibition took place; the next day, after the morning dedicated to the 11th National Jersey, the cow parade. The two events highlighted a very high morphological level, demonstrating the work and passion of our breeders. Crowded stands, especially during the cow parade, and maxi “led wall” alongside where the events and sponsors’ videos were projected, guaranteed the success of the events. Grand champion and best udder adult cows of the Jersey National Show a cow of 4 years and over, of the dairy farm TJR Portea (VB) co-owned with Baruffini; grand champion and best udder adult cows of the National Holstein Show, a 6-year-old cow and over from the Errera Holsteins (MN) dairy farm in co-ownership with the Nure dairy farm.
The new ANAFIBJ stand also attracted a large audience, thanks also to the show-cases, organized in collaboration with some companies in the livestock industry, to present the new activities and new indices in the process of being released, such as the “HappyFeet” health project. of the claws, the project on the management of the comeback and the management of heat stress.
Parallel to the three days of Montichiari, on Saturday 22 October the meeting of the WHFF (World Holstein Friesian Federation) board of directors was also held in Desenzano del Garda, in which the director Cassandro represented Italy and coordinated the work, with an agenda full of topics and points under discussion, including projects on genetic diversity within and among the world’s Holstein populations.
In conclusion, three days full of high-level events and appointments, both for breeders and technicians in the livestock sector, and for ANAFIBJ, which closes this edition of the 2022 national exhibition with great satisfaction.
Results from the event can be found here.