Minutes of World Jersey Cattle Bureau Annual Council Meeting - Cowsmo

Minutes of World Jersey Cattle Bureau Annual Council Meeting

The World Jersey Cattle Bureau recently held its annual meeting and tour in Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and Denmark. The Council Meeting was held June 24th and 26th, 2015.  The 2016 WJCB Meeting and tour will take place in the British Isles June 3rd-22nd. In 2017, the conference will be in Costa Rica, and in the US in 2018.WORLD JERSEY CATTLE BUREAU
Held at 14.00 0n Wednesday 24th June 2015 at Gersfeld, Mosbach, Germany
1. President’s Welcome
The President welcomed delegates to the meeting and congratulated the
organisers and host association, VDJ Germany, for the successful and
ambitious programme which will conclude with visits to four countries,
The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark. An appreciation
for the cooperation of the breeders and member organisations in these
other countries was also recorded.
In particular, he thanked Hubertus Diers and Birgitta Brentrup of WWS
Germany who had done so much to ensure the success. The President
made special reference to an apology for absence from Steve Le Feuvre,
Treasurer, who is recovering very well from a serious of operations on his
The President then invited Dr Wilhelm Wemheuer, Georg August
University, Gottingen, to present a paper on ‘Breeding Polled Cattle –
Jerseys the background and problems.’ The presentation can be viewed on
the Bureau website.
2. Record of those present and apologies for absence (see below for
attendance at Continuation Meeting on 26th June)
23 members and observers were present including D Frigot (President,
Jersey), A Levring (Vice President Europe, Denmark), Kathryn Kyle (Vice
President North America, Canada), Trevor Saunders (Vice President
Oceania, Australia), Roger Trewhella (Secretary), G Rehberg (President
VDJ, Germany), B Schuler (President, Jersey Switzerland), D. Shaw
(President, UK Jerseys), Miss S Jarvis (UK Jerseys), Mrs A Gibb (Jersey
New Zealand), Mrs A Shaw (UK), Mrs W Anderson (Australia), P
Nicholson (Jersey Australia), D Hickey (Jersey New Zealand), A Leurs
(VDJ, Germany), B Olesen (Danish Jerseys), K Trotman (Australia), H
Diers (Germany), T Sorensen (New Zealand), R Norman (Jersey), R West
(New Zealand), L Wilson (New Zealand), S Anderson (New Zealand), C
Cille (South Africa), J Vandestappen (USA).
Apologies were received from Augustin Robredo (Vice President South
America, Argentina), A Theron (Vice President Africa, South Africa),
Steve Le Feuvre (Treasurer, Jersey), Mogens Stendahl (Denmark),
Johannes van Eeden (South Africa), Chris Sorenson (AJCA, USA), Dr
Cherie Bayer (AJCA, USA), Peter Ness, (Australia), S Joynson (Jersey
Australia), H Roloffova (Czech Republic), P Larson (Denmark), B Tyrell
(Republic of Ireland), L Anderson (Australia), I Anderson (Australia), R
Anderson (Australia.
3. Approval Minutes of the Council Meeting held in September 2014 in
South Africa
The Minutes had been posted on the website and were adopted
unanimously on the proposal of T Saunder seconded by A Levring.
4. Matters arising from these Minutes
D Shaw informed the meeting that he not been able to receive an
appointment from Agriventure to meet them.
5. Bureau Business
a. President’s Report
The report as posted on the website was accepted unanimously on the
proposal of T Saunders, seconded by A Levring.
b. Vice Presidents’ Reports
The President referred members to the reports as available on the website,
pointing out the valuable overview which can be gleaned from reading
them. On the proposal of D Hickey, seconded by D Shaw, the reports were
accepted unanimously, en bloc.
c. To receive nomination and appoint Treasurer
The President nominated Steve Le Feuvre who has confirmed his
willingness to complete the term until the 2018 Conference. Seconded by
A Levring the nomination was accepted unanimously.
d. Secretary’s Report
The report as posted on the website was accepted unanimously on the
proposal of K Kyle, seconded by A Levring. Particular note was made of
the re-established contact and interest from the Czech Republic and The
Netherlands. The formal applications to upgrade to Full Membership were
welcomed and approved on the proposal of K Trotman, seconded by C
e. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was received in his absence and The President
remarked on the positive comments included within its Conclusions. While
the reserves allow for moderate funding towards the strategic objectives,
this is dependent upon both JETA and the World Jersey Cheese Awards
being budget neutral.
f. Approval of Accounts for 2014
The President noted the excellent Conference surplus in 2014, and that
The Dairy Queen is ‘in profit.’ The accounts were accepted, unanimously,
on the proposal of K Kyle, seconded by T Saunders. The President
confirmed that the accounts are unaudited, in line with small company law
in Jersey where the organisation is incorporated.
D Hickey, B Schuler and D Shaw were nominated to complete the
Bureau’s usual overview of the accounts by T Saunders, seconded A
Levring and approved unanimously.
g. Membership Fees
In light of the Bureau’s relatively strong financial position and the increase
in Full membership applications, fees were held at their existing level for
all membership categories for 2015; this unanimously on the proposal of T
Saunders, seconded by P Nicholson
h. Appointment of Accountants
ABC (Accountancy &Bookkeeping Company) Jersey were appointed to
compile the accounts, unaudited, for the bureau for 2015, unanimously on
the proposal of D Shaw and seconded by P Nicholson.
6. WJCB Strategy Review
A Working Group under the chairmanship of A Levring and including T
Saunders, C Bayer and B Tyrell with R Trewhella as secretary had been
setup and met in South Africa.
R Trewhella provided background to the strategy adopted in 2011 and the
process of reaching a point where strategic priorities had been agreed by
the group. He stressed the group sought agreement of the organisations
objectives, strategic priorities and the factors against which the ensuing
strategy will be monitored on an annual basis.
A draft Vision with mission statement to achieve it was presented along
with the high priority areas of maintaining a successful annual programme
of Bureau meetings; activation of the Scientific committee; and
establishing a means to gain higher industry influence for the breed.
Communications were viewed as medium priority, from a strategic
viewpoint, and the existing suite of communications channels needs to be
consolidated to deliver the updated goals. Within the rapidly developing
communications world, assistance in defining the routes to deliver
knowledge and information successfully will be required from member
The limited benefit and high cost exposure for both the existing World
Jersey Cheese Awards and the youth programme were viewed as
constraints on providing services and support to Full member nations. Full
members have the capability and responsibility to cascade information
down to other member categories. The Bureau can maximise its value
especially to active breeders through this approach.
There was criticism and considerable debate about the lack of focus and
clarity within the presentation. Until a Vision statement is achieved against
which proposed objectives can be tested in terms of realisation, then
development of strategic priorities will not be successful. At the same time
it was recognised that organisational support and enthusiasm must not be
lost due to prolonged delay.
The Vice Presidents were allocated responsibility to discuss with delegates
present and resolve the areas of Vision statement (A Levring),
Communications (K Kyle) and Youth (T Saunders), reporting back at the
continuation of this meeting on Friday 26th June 2015 when actions will be
7. World Jersey Cheese Awards
WJCA have been held on a biennial basis since 2008. It has been very
successful in attracting entries of approximately 100 cheeses at each
competition, mainly from artisan producers. The Awards have been
expensive to run and it has proved difficult to achieve significant publicity
beyond the efforts of some enthusiastic individual competitors.
The 2014 Awards in South Africa cost Jersey S Africa £16000 to stage,
although C Cillie was of the opinion that an earlier start to organising
could have reduced this total.
When asked, J Godfrey confirmed that RJA&HS will run the 2016
Awards, although the Bureau will need to underwrite costs estimated at
£16 – 18000. Fifty per cent of the cost is in freight, and the Awards require
some 220 staff hours to organise.
T Saunders proposed, A Gibb seconded, that the Bureau thank RJA&HS
for the offer to host the 2016 Awards on Jersey, but that the Bureau cancel
the event at this cost.
Carried by 11 votes with 1 against and RJA &HS abstaining.
The secretary has discussed the potential of the Awards being hosted
within a number of alternative, established, Cheese Shows. The World
Cheese Awards, currently staged within the BBC Good Food Show,
appears a compatible and potentially cost-effective option.
Proposed J Godfrey, seconded T Saunders, that the Bureau writes to AJCA
confirming their existing offer, and terms, to host the 2018 event in the
USA; at the same time the secretary continues negotiations with the World
Cheese Awards. A decision on the outcomes to be taken by the officer
team. Carried Unanimously.
8. Lord Jersey Research Trust
The President reported that the Trust can be wound-up through the Jersey
Law Authority, at a cost of £60 plus legal fees estimated at £200.
Alternatively the Trust can be allowed to lie dormant. The assets of
approximately £26000, including the £20000 loan to the Bureau, have
been transferred to the Bureau by the Trustees. In 2014 the Bureau agreed
to set-up a designated fund within its accounts for the value of the loan.
Discussion ensued where it was deemed appropriate to wind-up the Trust,
formally. At the same time, but as a separate issue, the Bureau may wish to
review its constitution. This latter point was deferred to AOB.
Proposed J Godfrey, seconded D Shaw that the Bureau winds-up the Lord
Jersey Trust in the most cost-effective manner. Agreed Unanimously.
9. Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr Duane Norman has requested that each Bureau region supplies names
and contact details for researchers potentially able to interact with Dr
Norman regarding existing and proposed Jersey related research projects.
It was agreed that the Vice Presidents be responsible for ensuring this is
achieved. Dr Norman will be asked to provide an annual written report,
and it is hoped he will make a presentation at the 2018 International
Conference in the USA. A section of the Bureau website is to be dedicated
to maintaining an index of projects and researchers.
11. Any Other Business
a. In light of the comments in 8 above, proposed J Godfrey, seconded D
Shaw, that the Bureau reviews its constitution, particularly the
requirement that either the secretary or treasurer are residents of the
Island. Any amendments to be formally notified for approval at the
2016 Annual Meeting & Regional Conference. Agreed Unanimously.
b. C Cillie requested that sponsors are not allowed to influence the cow
selection for presentation at farm visits during Bureau tours. This was
agreed unanimously.
c. T Saunders provided an example of a calendar as a means of
generating additional income for the Bureau. Agreed the officer team
seek ways of generating additional revenue.
The President closed the meeting at 18.10 and informed members of
the Continuation Meeting to be held on 26th June
Continuation of the Annual Meeting of Council on Friday 26th June
2015 at 16.00 hours at the Van Der Valk Hotel, Berlin Brandenburg
The President welcomed the 29 members and observers, as below, and
formally welcomed Germany and the Republic of Ireland to their first
meeting as Full Members of the Bureau.
2. Record of those present and apologies for absence
29 members and observers were present including D Frigot (President,
Jersey), A Levring (Vice President Europe, Denmark), Kathryn Kyle (Vice
President North America, Canada), Trevor Saunders (Vice President
Oceania, Australia), Roger Trewhella (Secretary), G Rehberg (President
VDJ, Germany), B Schuler (President, Jersey Switzerland), D. Shaw
(President, UK Jerseys), Miss S Jarvis (UK Jerseys), Mrs A Gibb (Jersey
New Zealand), Mrs A Shaw (UK), Mrs W Anderson (Australia), P
Nicholson (Jersey Australia), D Hickey (Jersey New Zealand), B Olesen
(Danish Jerseys), K Trotman (Australia), H Diers (Germany), T Sorensen
(New Zealand), R West (New Zealand), L Wilson (New Zealand), S
Anderson (New Zealand), C Cille (South Africa), J Vandestappen (USA),
Mrs A Vanderstappen (USA), Mrs C Frecklington (NZ), Mrs M Jacobsen
(Denmark), M Moelter (Germany), Mrs B Brentrup (Germany), T
Evangelo (USA), K Brady (Republic of Ireland), J Bailey (NZ).
Apologies for absence as at 24th June plus Mr R Norman (Jersey)
R Schmitt gave members an interesting update on the history and
successful development of the Jersey breed in Germany.
6. WJCB Strategy Review(cont’d)
Each Vice President reported on their Strategy Working Group
Vision – A Levring led the discussion. It was agreed that a Vision needs to
be succinct; able to stand the test of time; stretching yet achievable; not
make claims which are factually incorrect.
It was agreed that the breed’s strengths and future prospects would be
encapsulated in ‘Jerseys – THE sustainable choice’
Communications – K Kyle set out the aim to improve all channels of
communication for Bureau members and to make the organisation more
visible. A three pronged approach is to be employed. Facebook has a
strong presence with 3160 followers. Greater engagement is to be achieved
by ensuring there is at least one post per day. VPs will be responsible for
ensuring there is a facebook contributor in their region. These nominated
contributors will also be responsible for monitoring content.
Website reach is to be enhanced by using facebook and group emails to
drive traffic. The website is to become the communications hub for all
countries with each member linking updates to WJCB. The Bureau site is
to be a message board, sub-divided by relevant category. The President
and secretary are to pursue a more appropriate domain name. Quotes for
website design are to be requested by end July 2015 with a redesign
functioning by early 2016, latest.
E-comms groups. Clustering by area of interest, each group is to be the
catalyst for two-way feed of all Bureau communications.
Scientific Committee – The proposals as 9 above are to be implemented
before December 2015.
Youth – T Saunders expressed the key objectives of ensuring that young
people have a good experience within Bureau’ programmes, within legal
JETA is to be reviewed by the 2017 Annual Meeting with the aim of
making it a leadership development programme; funded through
sponsorship. The application process, delivery within the Conference and
subsequent follow-up activity are all to be addressed.
The Agriventure Youth Exchange programme is to be revisited, with
possible alternative providers identified for 2016. Each country is
requested to appoint a youth coordinator who will contribute to the
communications group as well. It was recognised that not all countries
share the same culture, and so it will not be compulsory to participate.
A Levring proposed, seconded by K Brady, that the Strategy development
to date be carried forward into a completed document by 31 December 2015.
Unanimously agreed.
10.WJCB Meetings
a. 2016 D Shaw presented a video inviting members to the British Isles
for an Annual Meeting & Regional Conference between 3rd and 22 June 2016
b. 2017 The President confirmed contact with Costa Rica and that he
will take responsibility for developing the programme, with a possible posttour
to Ecuador
c. 2018 The proposed programme for the USA was enthusiastically
11. Any Other Business
d. Review of Annual Accounts D Shaw reported on behalf of the group
including himself, D Hickey and B Schuler who had reviewed the
Bureau accounts for 2014. Two points arose:-
i. Reference is made of a ‘loan’ from the Lord Jersey Trust, yet no liability
remains on the balance sheet. Agreed that ABC (Accountancy &
Bookkeeping Company) be asked to explain the notes 1.6 and 6 in the
ii. Interest received for the year was only £1. S Le Feuvre to be asked to look
at higher return alternative accounts.
e. ICAR The secretary reported on a World Breed Federation Working
Group. Agreed to maintain contact with its work.
f. Digital Photography Discussion took place around the lack of
implementation of Bureau policy. While frustration exists about the
falsification of images, it is equally difficult to know what impact the
Bureau can make.
g. EC Zootechnic Directive J Godfrey asked the secretary for an update.
Drafting continues to be reviewed. The European Commission
anticipates a consultation period in early 2016. Thereafter it will be
approximately two years before EU-wide legislation is implemented.
h. Nascent Jersey Populations J Godfrey requested that the Bureau
identify complementary parties to provide semen for a number of
developing countries. As much as 0.5 million doses are required over a
two year period for Send-A-Cow projects. Delay could result in
alternative breeds filling the gap.
The President thanked everyone for their participation, along with the four
host nations and farmers, most especially VDJ Germany for their
wholehearted commitment to arranging the programme. The meeting
closed at 18.10


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