CDN Web Site Selection Refinement Filter Updated December 2014 - Cowsmo

CDN Web Site Selection Refinement Filter Updated December 2014

As of the official December 2014 genetic evaluation release, improvements have been introduced to the Selection Refinement Filter tool available on the CDN web site.

This tool is displayed at the top of any output listing resulting from any Group Query, Animal Query or Progeny Listing for which more than one animal is listed. It can be applied to both male and females. The Selection Refinement Filter allows the user to narrow down the resulting list and/or resort it based on various criteria including lower, upper or exact levels of (a) the genetic evaluation for one or more traits including LPI and its components, (b) the Relationship Value (R-Value), and (c) Reliability and/or daughter counts for production and conformation.


Take advantage of the improved Selection Refinement Filter linked to the powerful query tools on the CDN web site!

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