The Brown Swiss USA National Youth Committee recently had a conference call and passed an extension on this year’s National Youth Contests deadline to March 31st.
This is an opportunity for you to take a closer look at the different contests you can enter and to put the final touches on your applications.
*National Youth Ambassador- Is the spokesperson for the National Brown Swiss Association and represents the breed at local, state and national events including World Dairy Expo, national convention and other national shows. The ambassador shall have an expense fund available of $1,000. The Alternate Ambassador shall have an expense fund available of $500. This contest is for juniors who are
ages 16-21 years old.
*Youth Achievement-recognizes outstanding youth (ages 16-21) work in the Brown Swiss breed. An anonymous committee will choose four finalists to attend the National Convention for interviews. From the combined scores of the interview and application book, a National winner and runner-up will be chosen.
*Junior Youth Achievement-This award will recognize outstanding youth (ages 9-15) for their work in the Brown Swiss breed. An anonymous committee will choose the top 3 finalists.
*Youth Cheese Yield-is presented to the junior whose cow has the highest cheese yield for a 30-day period; the cheese yield formula for cheddar cheese will be used to pick the winners. District winners receive a plaque and the overall National winner receives $100 and a special plaque at the national convention awards presentation. At the Fun Auction, a representative block of cheddar cheese will be sold; these proceeds fund both the Youth Production and Cheese Yield monetary awards with the remaining proceeds donated to the Junior Activity Fund.
*Youth Production-A production winner will be selected from each national director district based on a deviation from the herd average. The cow with the highest deviation overall is recognized as the National Youth Production Award winner. Cows must be on DHI or DHIR records and the 305-day record must have been completed between January 1 and December 31st. A copy of the DHI testing sheet for the month of the 305-day record completion, and monthly herd average for that same month must accompany the entry. District winners receive a plaque certificate and the national winner receives $100 and a plaque.
*Youth Scholarship-$1,000 scholarship to a youth (senior in high school & not yet 22) who is pursuing a degree in agriculture or a dairy-related field. For those students already enrolled in college, please submit your transcript from the last term. If you will be attending in the fall, please attach a copy of your acceptance letter.
*Youth Grant-$1,000 towards purchasing a registered Brown Swiss animal. This program is designed to help those applicants (senior in high school & not yet 22) building up their Brown Swiss herd. A current copy of the DHI herd test sheet (showing the applicant as herd owner or co-owner) must be submitted along with a signed affidavit from county or state extension personnel, FFA advisor or Brown Swiss field representative or state secretary/treasurer who has visited the farm and viewed the herd.
**Please remember when you submit any of the above applications, the biography page and 5 pictures must also accompany what you submit.**
If you have any questions, please contact myself, the National Office, our Youth Ambassadors or past contest winners. Good luck to everyone who is applying in the National Youth Programs! See you all at the National Convention in Canton, Ohio.