Holstein USA Releases the 2020 High Ranking BAA Lists - Cowsmo

Holstein USA Releases the 2020 High Ranking BAA Lists

The Holstein Breed Age Average (BAA%) value provides a way to compare the score of an animal (and herd average) to the average of the breed, taking into account age of the animal and stage of lactation. All animals receive an individual BAA value on your herd classification report, and herds participating in the Classic or Standard options of the Holstein Classification program receive an overall BAA for the herd. To learn more about how BAA is calculated, visit the Classification page and click on the BAA tab. 

For the purposes of these lists, if a herd classified twice in a year (between 1/1/2020 and 12/31/2020) and received an official herd BAA for both classifications, only the most recent BAA was used. To appear on these lists, a herd must have at least 10 cows included in the BAA calculation.

In 2020, 947 herds had a BAA value eligible for inclusion in these lists. The average number of cows included in the BAA calculation for the entire group was 68, and the average BAA% was 107.2.
The following lists were created to recognize members of all herd sizes and all areas of the country: 
a. 2020 Overall Top 200 BAA Herds
b. Top 25 BAA Herds by Region
c. Top 25 BAA Herds by Herd Size
d. Top 15 BAA Herds for Colleges & Universities




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