Champions from the Great Lakes Spring Dairy Shows - Cowsmo

Champions from the Great Lakes Spring Dairy Shows

The Great Lakes Spring Dairy Shows took place last weekend in East Lansing, MI. Following are champions from the Holstein, Jersey, and Red & White shows.

Grand Champion
Kingsway Goldwyn Rosalie-ETS (Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Blackview & Reauxdale, MI
Reserve Grand Champion
Green Meadow Konia-ET (Mogul), 1st senior 3-year-old, Green Meadow Farms, MI

Senior Champion
Kingsway Goldwyn Rosalie-ETS (Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Blackview & Reauxdale, MI
Reserve Senior Champion
Green Meadow MS Killista-ET (Jett Air), 1st Aged Cow, Green Meadow Farms, MI
Intermediate Champion
Green Meadow Konia-ET (Mogul), 1st senior 3-year-old, Green Meadow Farms, MI
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Prestige-Gen Awe Ambition, (Awesome), 1st junior 2-year-old, Aubrey & Kevin Lettinga, MI
Junior Champion
Minsu Solomon Denbet (Solomon), 1st winter yearling, T&H Dairy, MI
Reserve Junior Champion
Cobequid Doorman Piper (Doorman), 1st fall yearling, Anna Moser, MI
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor
Green Meadow Farm, MI

Grand Champion
Blackview Valentino Fancy (Valentino), 1st senior 2-year-old, Blackview Jerseys, MI
Reserve Grand Champion
Blackview Fah-King Fantastic (Excitation), 1st 4-year-old, Blackview Jerseys, MI

Senior Champion
Blackview Fah-King Fantastic (Excitation), 1st 4-year-old, Blackview Jerseys, MI
Reserve Senior Champion
AJS Pristine Beauty (Verb), 1st Aged Cow, Allison Schafer, MI
Intermediate Champion
Blackview Valentino Fancy (Valentino), 1st senior 2-year-old, Blackview Jerseys, MI
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Thistle Dew Colton Reina (Colton), 2nd senior 2-year-old, Thistle Dew Jerseys, MI
Junior Champion
Blackview Joel Halo (Joel), 1st fall yearling, Blackview Jerseys, MI
Reserve Junior Champion
Ms Germaine Colton Gidget (Colton), 1st spring yearling, Reed Dairy Farm, MI
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor
Thistle Dew Jerseys, MI

Red & White
Grand Champion
Esquerita Lotis Taters-Red (Lotus), 1st senior 3-year-old, Sierra & Quinn Watts, MI
Reserve Grand Champion
Ms Wolford D Raspberry-Red (Defiant), 1st 5-year-old, King-Street Holsteins, MI

Senior Champion
Ms Wolford D Raspberry-Red (Defiant), 1st 5-year-old, King-Street Holsteins, MI
Reserve Senior Champion
Green Meadow MS Killista-RED-ET (Jett Air), 1st aged cow, Green Meadow Farms, MI
Intermediate Champion
Esquerita Lotis Taters-Red (Lotus), 1st senior 3-year-old, Sierra & Quinn Watts, MI
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Ms Apple Adrena-Red-ET (OKalif), 2nd senior 3-year-old, Braylon Beekman, IN
Junior Champion
SJ-Reed Defiant Scary-Red (Defiant), 1st fall yearling, Reed Dairy Farm, MI
Reserve Junior Champion
Ms Rowdys Absolute Ruby (Absolute), 1st winter yearling, Alexis & Jack Lamoreaux, MI

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