UK Dairy Day 2014 Dairy Shorthorn

Wednesday 17th September 2014 @ Telford International Convention Centre, Shropshire, UK

Mr John Gribbon

Securing the Dairy Shorthorn Championship at the UK Dairy Day was Irthingvale Watzon Tulip exhibited by the Bell family in Cheshire

Champion Dairy Shorthorn

Irthingvale Watzon Tulip, (Watzon), G & B Bell

Reserve Champion
Cotonhall Lady Barrington 2, (Rustler Red) R D Kite & Son

Hon. Mention
Churchroyd Gentle 87, (KingKong) IRG Collins & Partners

Heifer in Milk (10)

1. Cotonhall Lady Barrington 2, (Rustler Red) R D Kite & Son
2. Hooton Rosette 2, (Envoy), J C Hayward
3. Churchroyd Lady Walton 15, (Duke),  IRG Collins & Partners
4. Irthingvale Watzon Wildman, (Watzon), G & B Bell
5. Hutchinwood Charlotte, G & P S Fleetwood

Junior Cow in Milk (7)

1. (BU) (B&O) Irthingvale Watzon Tulip, (Watzon), G & B Bell
2. Churchroyd Gentle 87, (KingKong) IRG Collins & Partners
3. Hooton Pearl 11, (Watzon), J & C Hayward
4. Hutchinwood Sweetrose 21, (Amazon), G P S Fleetwood
5. Nejay Bontge 3, (Watzon), N Madeley

Senior Cow in Milk (5)

1. (B&O) Rodway Red Rose 36, (Rebel), N Madley, R Madley & R Morgan
2. Rodway Lady Laura 72, (Rebel), J C Hayward
3. Irthingvale Watzon Meg, (Watzon), R W Harper & Partners
4. Hutchinwood Sweetrose 15, (Kyan), G& PS Fleetwood
5. (BU) Churchroyd Gentle 76, (Pluto), IRG Collins & Partners