Wisconsin Dairy Farm Is Getting Creative To Keep Employees - Cowsmo

Wisconsin Dairy Farm Is Getting Creative To Keep Employees

Labor Can Be Dairy Farmers’ Biggest Challenge, That’s Why This Wisconsin Dairy Is Getting Creative To Keep Employees

The dairy sector has faced tight labor for decades, and now with immigration and border issues, it’s a topic getting even more political. One dairy policy expert says the U.S. dairy industry needs to change the conversation around immigration by tying it back to labor.

Jackie Klippenstin, senior VP and Chief Government and Industry Relations Officer for Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), says the only way to make meaningful change is to stop talking about it as an immigration issue.

“I believe we need to separate the issue of immigration from farm labor because when we talk about immigration, it’s very emotional for a lot people, and it means something different for everybody,” Klippenstein told the audience at the 21st annual Milk Business Conference held in Las Vegas. “In dairy, and in agriculture, we’re trying to find people who want to come work on our farm. It’s about visas. It’s about making sure we’ve got folks on the operation who can deliver nutrition that consumers want. It’s not an immigration story.”

As ag labor and immigration continue to be separate – and sometimes controversial – topics in Washington, dairy farmers are trying to find new and innovative ways to answer the labor issues they face. For example, Katie Grinstead, a Wisconsin dairy farmer, is getting creative in how she attracts and retains employees.

“There’s not one single ingredient to retaining and keeping employees, it takes a big mixture of a lot of different ingredients put together,” says Grinstead of Vir-Clar Farm in Fond du Lac, Wis.

From a rideshare program to serving hot meals during their busy times on the farm, Grinstead is trying several different things to address the farm’s labor needs, while also making their employees feel valued. One of the most successful programs they’ve implemented so far is helping employees beyond the farm.

“I think my favorite program has been English classes,” she says. “It’s something brand new to the farm that we started and we offer English classes to our employees. Seeing the teamwork, the excitement and the enthusiasm of the employees working together to try to learn English has been awesome.”

Out of 30 employees, she says 23 have signed up to take English classes, which Grinstead says are already paying off.

“The question in the class one day was, ‘What is your zip code?’ The next morning, I asked one of our employees in English what his zip code is and he replied with the correct zip code. I was like, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful!’ I asked, ‘Are you learning a lot?’ and he said, ‘Every single day.’ It gave me goosebumps because I truly knew he meant it. He understood what I said, which is huge,” she says.

As the Grinsteads think outside the box, it’s proof the little things can pay dividends in the end.

Source: DairyHerd.com




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