Holstein Canada is closely monitoring the situation in relation to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Although Canada has a low risk for spreading the virus, it is important to be aware and act responsibly in order to maintain our low-risk environment.
What is Holstein Canada Doing?
We are taking a proactive approach to ensure the safety of staff, our members and our
clients. At this time, we are:
- Promoting good hygiene and disinfecting among all staff;
- Asking staff to self-monitor and report if they, or people they are in close contact
with, experience any of the tell-tale symptoms; - Adding regular information updates to the Holstein Canada website’s home page;
- Cancelling plans to host any international visitors to the Brantford head office;
- Monitoring upcoming events such the National Convention/AGM, and working
closely with the convention committee.
At this time, we are not cancelling the National Holstein Convention and Annual General Meeting; however, we will follow provincial and federal government recommendations for events.
On-Farm Considerations:
Our staff has been instructed to cancel their visits to farms if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19. If they experience any cold-like symptoms (sneezing, sniffles), they will call the farm to ensure producers wish to receive them.
If you or your staff develop symptoms related to COVID-19, we strongly encourage you to contact the office to reschedule any visits to a later date. Holstein Canada supports our team by ensuring they can work in a healthy, safe work environment.
At this time, give careful consideration as to whether to accept international visitors onto your farms, particularly those from high-risk countries. We support you in taking precautions seriously. Do what you can to protect yourself and others, much like you would during cold and flu season:
- Wash hands and disinfect surfaces
- Stay home if sick and to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to work.
Things are changing rapidly. You can keep yourself informed by following reputable sources of information such as the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Thank you for your patience and support. We will keep our Holstein Canada website updated as the situation develops.