U.S. Cheesemakers Win 147 Medals at 2023 World Cheese Awards - Cowsmo

U.S. Cheesemakers Win 147 Medals at 2023 World Cheese Awards

The 2023 World Cheese Awards (WCA) held in Trondheim, Norway, awarded U.S. cheesemakers 147 medals, marking the highest number of medals ever won by the U.S. at the WCA, a 10% increase from last year’s competition.

The U.S. won seven Super Gold medals, 22 Gold medals, 41 Silver medals, and 77 Bronze medals. See a complete listing of the winning U.S. cheeses here.

The World Cheese Awards is the largest annual international cheese-only event, bringing together cheesemakers, retailers, buyers, and food commentators from around the globe. Over 4,500 cheeses from more than 40 countries were evaluated by the esteemed panel of judges. 

Notable highlights for the U.S. included Vermont-based Cellars at Jasper Hill’s triumph in claiming the esteemed “Best American Cheese” trophy for their Harbison cheese, a soft-ripened cheese with a spoonable texture. If you want more information about Harbison, you can download an info sheet here or read below. Jasper Hill Farm garnered four additional medals, including two gold.

Other U.S. Super Gold winners included Parish Hill Creamery’s IdyllMeadow Creek Dairy’s Appalachian, and Leelanau Cheese’s Leelanau Raclette.

The U.S. Dairy Export Council played a significant role in supporting the participation of 52 U.S. companies, covering the entry fees for a remarkable 313 cheeses, enabling them to showcase their exceptional offerings at this global event. The record-breaking success for U.S. cheeses comes hot after an impressive performance at the International Cheese and Dairy Awards earlier this year, where the U.S. brought home 88 total medals (34 Gold, 29 Silver, and 25 Bronze).

Ryan Hopkin, USDEC manager of Cheese Marketing Communications, emphasized the importance of participating in esteemed contests like the WCA and the International Cheese and Dairy Awards. He stated that these competitions not only contribute to building the U.S.’ reputation as a premier supplier of high-quality cheeses but also enhance the global image of U.S. cheesemakers and the entire U.S. dairy industry, creating a halo effect of excellence throughout the sector.

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