Following the phenomenal success of the 2012 Genus ABS Long Life Cow competition, the hunt is now on for the Long Life Cow of 2013.
“The Long Life Cow Competition was created to celebrate those cows who have made an outstanding lifetime contribution,” comments Genus ABS Andrew Rutter, Breeding Programme Manager who was part of the judging panel. “There are many attributes which mean a cow will last longer. She will suit the management system, she will get in calf regularly over several lactations, and she will be a high producer with good compositional and hygienic milk quality.
“To farmers, a Long Life Cow has a variety of meanings so the criteria were deliberately left open so participants could describe what they thought made their cow a worthy competitor.”
Four regional winners will each receive a special plaque and a voucher worth £100 towards Genus ABS semen. The overall winner, selected from the regional winners will be awarded the Genus ABS Long Life Cow cup and voucher for Genus ABS semen worth £150! Prizes will also be awarded to the highest placed cow from each breed from their respective breed society, showing the quality and diversity of the entries.
Entry form can be down loaded on , or click here, or call customer services on 0870 162 2000
Closing date for entries is 20th May 2013.