Sexing Technologies Acquires Fast Genetics - Cowsmo

Sexing Technologies Acquires Fast Genetics

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan — Sexing Technologies, the global livestock
reproductive services innovator, will acquire swine genetics leader Fast Genetics
from HyLife with an anticipated closing date of July 21, 2015. The deal will allow the introduction of sex sorted sperm to the swine industry.
The acquisition will bring accelerated genetic improvement at Fast Genetics by
skewing gender ratio in its nucleus farms and through leveraging high-index
males to service more females via deep uterine and low-dose semen technology.
The sex sorted sperm technology will also allow for significant output advantages
throughout Fast Genetics’ multiplication. In the future, Fast Genetics’ customers
will be able to purchase semen selected for male or female offspring, thereby
having the ability to predetermine gender and tailor their product based on
individual production economics and packer relationships. The acquisition of Fast
Genetics diversifies Sexing Technologies’ business and expands the scope of its
operations into the pig genetics business.
Customers will notice little change in Fast Genetics’ commitment and service.
Shannon Meyers will continue his executive leadership as the company’s Chief
Operating Officer. Throughout the last decade, Meyers lead Fast Genetics
through its largest and most successful growth era, expanding its operations
throughout Canada, the United States, and into Asia. “These are extremely
exciting times for Fast Genetics customers and employees. Our world class
genetics program will see accelerated improvements with the implementation of
the most innovative technology in the industry” says Meyers.
Gregg BeVier, first hired by Sexing Technologies to introduce its sex sorted
sperm technology to the swine industry, will become Fast Genetics’ Chief
Executive Officer based in the United States. BeVier brings over 30 years of
senior management experience, adding significant scientific and managerial
knowledge to Fast Genetics’ business. “Fast Genetics offers excellent health and
genetics and we are excited about integrating sexed sperm combined with
advanced genomic testing to further improve our products at a more rapid rate”
said BeVier. “The best genetics and health combined with the best reproductive
and genomic technologies available will better position Fast Genetics’ customers
for the globally competitive environment.”
Fast Genetics will continue its dynamic and strategic partnership with HyLife,
Canada’s leading pork producer, supplying maternal and terminal genetics for
HyLife’s sow herds. HyLife will continue its multiplication commitment by
providing Fast Genetics’ high-health gilts to the United States and Canada. “The
sale of Fast Genetics will allow HyLife and Sexing Technologies to continue
offering world class products to the global marketplace,” explains Grant Lazaruk,
HyLife’s Chief Executive Officer. We are looking forward to continuing our efforts
in providing the best pork food products in an environmentally sustainable
manner, with access to even stronger genetic products.”
Fast Genetics is committed to maintaining its integrated business model
approach to genetic selection, but will significantly improve it by amplifying its
already expanding genomics platform and including exclusive sexed sorted and
low dose sperm technology not available anywhere else in the industry. Sexing
Technologies and Fast Genetics are excited about the new relationship and
mutual benefits and opportunities that will follow. Sexing Technologies and Fast
Genetics look forward to providing even greater value to Fast Genetics’

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