Reese Burdette Fundraiser Calendars Available at WDE - Cowsmo

Reese Burdette Fundraiser Calendars Available at WDE

The calendars that took the All-American Dairy Show by storm, featuring some of Reese’s favorite photos and memories have made their way west, and will be available at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI!
Reese Burdette Fundraiser Calendars AvailableMost members of the registered dairy cattle industry know of the tragic fire in late May 2014 that nearly claimed the lives of Reese and her grandmother Patricia. While it’s been an uphill battle for both, they are not only healing, but thriving.

Members of the dairy industry rallied to help raise money to assist the Burdette family with the catastrophic medical bills and other costs associated with helping Reese heal.

As an industry, we watched and cheered as this little girl achieved her goal of being able to show her first year in the Premier National Junior Holstein Show at the All-American Dairy Show, and achieve great success, exhibiting the winning 4 Year Old and Reserve Grand Champion, Windy Knoll View Pantene, as well as Pantene’s daughter, Pardi Gras to a fourth place finish in the March calf class.

reese-calendar1Currently, a calendar fundraiser, spearheaded by Mariah Paynter, a young woman inspired by Reese, is being held, and received with great enthusiasm. For a $20 donation, you can receive a high-quality calendar that features many of Reese’s favorite memories, both from before and since the fire.

Calendars are available at World Dairy Expo and can be found with two different exhibits in Pavilion 2. Justin & Claire Burdette, Reese’s parents, will have them available at the Windy Knoll View display in aisle 1, while Michele Reasner will have them at the Sunrose Holsteins display in aisle 17.

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