Oelwein woman crowned 62nd Iowa Dairy Princess - Cowsmo

Oelwein woman crowned 62nd Iowa Dairy Princess

Kate Stewart, an 18-year-old from Oelwein, was crowned the 62nd Iowa Dairy Princess during an evening ceremony at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines tonight (Wednesday, August 12).
Stewart, daughter of Matt and Diana Stewart, will spend the year serving as a goodwill ambassador for Iowa’s dairy farmers. Throughout her year-long reign, she will make public appearances to connect with consumers and help them understand the dedication of dairy farm families to their cows and their land, and the pride they take in providing wholesome milk and dairy products to consumers.

Stewart represents Fayette County and will attend Iowa State University in the fall studying global resource systems. She was also named Miss Congeniality by her fellow contestants.

Leslie Sivesind (SEE vuh send), 17, of Waukon, was named Alternate Iowa Dairy Princess. Sivesind is the daughter of Dan and Jane Sivesind, and will share duties with the princess. She represents the Iowa Guernsey Breeders Association and will start her senior year at Waukon High School this fall.

Each princess receives a $1,000 scholarship from Midwest Dairy Association, which sponsors the Iowa Dairy Princess program on behalf of Iowa’s dairy farmers.

The outgoing Iowa Dairy Princess is Mikayla Lien, daughter of Gary and Patty Lien of Calmar, and the Alternate Princess is Rylie Pflughaupt, daughter of Jordan and Traci Pflughaupt of Vinton. Their reigns will be completed at the end of the Iowa State Fair, and the new Princess and Alternate will begin their duties on September 1.

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