Managing Recessives & Haplotypes / Gérer les gènes récessifs et les haplotypes - Cowsmo

Managing Recessives & Haplotypes / Gérer les gènes récessifs et les haplotypes

The monthly CDN extension article is now available on the CDN web site.  You can access it via the link below for your preferred language. 

This particular article was written to respond to producer requests about how they should manage genetic recessives and haplotypes, especially HCD in Holsteins, AH1 in Ayrshire, JH1 and JH2 in Jersey and BH1 and BH2 in Brown Swiss. The CDN Data Management Service of “Evaluations by Prefix” has now been modified to provide the “Probability of Being Affected” for each mating when the females in the herd are paired up with sires from top lists using a special version of the Inbreeding Calculator.  This new feature is only available by subscription to this service at $100 per year.



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