Lahmers Promoted at COBA/Select Sires - Cowsmo

Lahmers Promoted at COBA/Select Sires

Chris Lahmers, Marysville, Ohio has accepted the promotion to Marketing Director-North for COBA/Select Sires. “Leadership, genetics background and passion for COBA made Lahmers an ideal fit for the position,” according to General Manager, Duane Logan. The transition will be seamless as Lahmers has already been leading the genetics program in the north, this position will expand his responsibilities to include overseeing all aspects of the marketing program and staff for the northern territory served by COBA/Select Sires. He will also work closely with our sales efforts in Mexico.

Previously, Lahmers had been serving as a Select Mating Service (SMS) specialist for COBA in southern Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania. Lahmers has been with the COBA/Select Sires organization for almost sixteen years as a dairy program specialist. One of his primary responsibilities has been to work with individual owners to help them set and meet their genetic goals through corrective mating’s. This experience will prove invaluable as he leads the team of three Regional Sales Managers, eight District Sales Managers and twenty-seven AI technicians. His team is responsible for getting the most highly fertile semen in the industry to our member-owner-customers in the most efficient and effective manner. COBA/Select Sires is one of the largest member cooperative within the Select Sires Federation and Lahmers will be challenged to meet the changing needs of dairy and beef producers.

A graduate of The Ohio State University, Lahmers is an accomplished dairy cattle judge. He had a very successful collegiate judging career and continues to be sought after for national and international shows at the highest level. He is the owner of the very successful Brown Velvet Swiss herd and Lah-Dale Holsteins, with his dad and brother. He and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Lahmers, DVM, reside in Marysville, Ohio with their three daughters.


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