Known for production and persistence, Lindrian Holsteins will receive a Master Breeder status this coming spring in Niagara. A family operated farm, the Tamis’ are honored to be recognized among fellow Holstein breeders across the country. A herd not to be out-milked, the ‘Lindrian’ cows have proven themselves when it comes to production. Chart-topper here is be Lindrian Izabel Inquirer 5*, a cow that produced over 100,000kg of milk in one lactation!
Farm Operation Facts:
-75 acres with 30 acres in corn silage 45 in Orchard grass put up in round bales as silage or hay. Some alfafa hay purchased. Cows are not fed TMR . Corn silage and round bale silage are fed separately with alfalfa. An 18% custom pellet is fed by computer feeder. Currently milking 60 cows; 80% Holstein and 20% Guernsey. 10 dry cows and 55 head of young stock kept on farm also.
Current classification is 2EX, 22VG, 32GP and 2G.
-Production in 2011 was 12,481 kg milk, 484 kg fat, 396 kg protein. BCA’s of 300-294- 292.
-In 2006, part of the farm was moved due to the expansion of the nearby highway. Buildings that went up included a new double 6 parlour and free stall.
The Tamis family farm is run by John, Linda and their son Craig with family members helping out when needed.
– Cow families: Lindrian Izabel Inquirer GP83 5*. Produced over 100,000 kg of milk in one lactation.
-Almost all the cows are home bred. Last cows purchased were 22 years ago from parents Arie and Sophie Tamis (Adriso) herd.
-Flush program on and off for past 10 years. Don’t flush until get a chance to see what type of offspring are produced. When flushes occur, all embryos are sexed and females implanted.
-Bulls that had an impact in the past are Boulet Charles and Markwell Nobel. In recent years Mr Sam and Salto have done well in the herd.
-40% of the herd is bred to young sires. A number of cows that have contributed MB points are and/or were by young sires.
-Currently using Brawler, Fever, Steady, and Lavanguard. Using mostly average milk bulls with a balanced type proof. Recently started paying a lot of attention to milking speed and temperament.
-Breeding philosophy has remained the same over the years- persistency is a priority. Nothing is bred before 150 Days In Milk with many waiting 200 DIM before being bred. If a cow continues to milk 45kg per day, she is not bred as there has been trouble in the past of drying cows off.
-One of our best accomplishments would be maintaining a high producing herd over the years without sacrificing type.
-Lindrian Izabell Inquirer milked for 6.5 years never dropping below 45 kgs of milk for the first 5 years. She milked for 2386D with 101,251kg Milk 3348 kg Fat and 3281 kg Protein. In 2 lactations she produced 119,378 kg Milk.