Jersey Canada AGM 2014 - Cowsmo

Jersey Canada AGM 2014

The program kicked off on the morning of Friday, March 28th, 2014 with farm tours. First stop was hosted by Graylane Holsteins & Jerseys in St Pierre Jolys, where they milk 100 cows with 2 Lely robots. Currently the herd comprises of 20% Jerseys. This stop was also host to a Manitoba Jerseys showcase string. Cattle from Clanman Jerseys, the Smith family of Minnedosa and Redhot Holsteins & Jerseys, Linda Horner of Blumenort were on display. The second stop on tour was a tour of Crystal Springs Hutterite Colony of Otterburne. Participants toured their extensive hog manufacturing facility followed by lunch with the colony. Everyone enjoyed learning about the life and dynamics of a Hutterite colony. The tour travelled to south of Winkler, to Sidler Farm which is operated by Richard and Maja Sidler. 50 milking head of Jerseys are housed in a straw pack barn. The final stop on tour was to Sweetridge Farms, owned and operated by Harold & Miriam Sweetnam. The herd comprises of 200 milk cows, 25 of which are Jerseys

Blast from the Past was the theme of the evening where participants were treated to a Johnny Cash and Elvis show performed by local entertainer, Corny Rempel. Following supper, the Smith & Wessen band, comprised of members of the Smith family, entertained the crowd with a mix of modern country and bluegrass music.

The Saturday morning program began with the the Next Generation program, which hosted three speakers geared towards the younger breeders. Dr. Melodie Chan of Zoetis made a detailed presentation on calf care and genomics. Henry Holtmann of Rosser Holsteins spoke on importance of teamwork and working with different personalities on a dairy farm. Finally, Paul Craft of Paul Craft Financial Inc. discussed the considerations and challenges of succession planning.

Awards were handed out to Casey Morey for Youth of Distinction, and Dave Beaudion (Ferme Gillard), Len & Sarah Congdon (Mazylake Jerseys) and Gerjan & Alberdien Keuper (Keupers Jerseys) were highlighted as Jersey Young Achievers.

The afternoon comprised of the Annual General Meeting followed by presentation of Single and Double Hall of Fame awards for individual cows. After, All Canadian winners were announced and the afternoon concluded with the presentation of Cow of the Year, RJF Remake Becky, bred and owned by RJ Farms.

The convention final event was the Excellence in Jerseys banquet. Constructive Breeder Awards were presented to Lookout Jerseys, Alan & Julie Cunnington and Rexlea Jerseys. Honorary Life Members were awarded to Robert Mellow (Glenholme Jerseys) and Bruce & Aileen Nixon (Rosalea Jerseys). Lorne Ella of Rock Ella Jerseys was highlighted as this year’s Master Breeder. The evening concluded with the Ralph J. Barichello Memorial Award which was given to Dick Heapy of Blanchard Jerseys.

Hats off to the Manitoba Jersey Cattle Club for organizing an outstanding event!


Graylane Robots  showcase string
Graylane Robots                                                       Showcase String
Sidler Jerseys    sidler Jerseys
Sidler Jerseys                                                               Sidler Jerseys 

Smith Wessen Band   Sweetridge Farms
Smith Wessen Band                               Sweetridge Farms

Sweetridge Farms   Youth of Distinction
Sweetridge Farms                                 Youth of Distinction

Cow of the Year   Dick Heapy accepting award
Cow of the Year                                  Dick Heapy accepting award

Hall of Fame Winners
Hall of Fame Winners

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