Starting with the 2020 show season, Holstein Association USA has changed the Junior transfer “received by” deadline to July 15 for both heifers and cows. In order to be eligible to participate in Junior Holstein Shows, the animal must be registered in a youth’s name by July 15.
Changing the transfer deadline to July 15 puts the date more in line with all of the other dairy breed associations. Allowing Juniors an extra month and a half to purchase their show calves provides additional marketing opportunities.
“We are excited with the Junior transfer date change which allows youth more opportunities to purchase show animals later in the summer and the rule is now unified with the Red & White Dairy Cattle Association,” states Kelli Dunklee, youth programs specialist. “It is important to remember that this change only impacts Junior Holstein Shows – 4-H and other youth shows may have different deadlines.”
This is a “received by” deadline – any ownership transfer not received by the Holstein Association USA office on or before July 15 will not be eligible for Junior Holstein Shows. Adding or dropping any owner after the deadline will disqualify an animal for Junior recognition. If there is a question as to whether a Junior ownership transfer has been completed, be sure to contact the Holstein Association USA customer service or visit Holstein USA to check the ownership status and ensure the transfer was received before the deadline.
Holstein Association USA, Inc., provides products and services to dairy producers to enhance genetics and improve profitability–ranging from registry processing to identification programs to consulting services.
The Association, headquartered in Brattleboro, Vt., maintains the records for Registered Holsteins® and represents approximately 30,000 members throughout the United States.