The Holstein Association USA, Inc. (HAUSA) board of directors met June 23-24, 2019 in Wisconsin. Chaired by President Boyd Schaufelberger, the business meeting was held in conjunction with the 134th Annual Meeting and convention at the Red Lion Hotel Paper Valley.
Committee and management staff reports
The board heard reports from the Audit, Genetic Advancement, International, and Type Advisory committees.
The Board approved a recommendation from the Type Advisory Committee to investigate adding rear legs-side view back into the foot and leg composite at an appropriate weighting and a recommendation from the Genetic Advancement Committee to research formulating a dollar value for TPI® as a secondary number.
The Board heard an update on two genetics research projects which are currently underway and funded by the Holstein Association.
Dr. Christian Maltecca of North Carolina State University is the primary investigator for the research project which utilizes genomic information to increase genetic gain and minimize the unfavorable effects of inbreeding in the U.S. Holstein population. Lead researcher, Dr. Anna Denicol of the University of California-Davis is overseeing another project looking at breeding Holstein cows for heat tolerance using the slick hair gene.
The Association is currently inviting research grant proposals with expected outcomes to benefit the profitability of Holstein cattle. Research may involve traditional production disciplines of genetics, nutrition, or reproduction as well as dairy foods or economics. The submission deadline is August 15, 2019. Applications will be reviewed, ranked, and the successful project announced later in the year.
Management staff updated the board of directors on the 2019 Management-by-Objective business plan and financial report.
Other news
During a dinner on June 24th, the board honored outgoing President Boyd Schaufelberger of Illinois and Director Mark Kerndt of Iowa.
Newly-elected President Corey Geiger of Wisconsin took the chair during a reorganization meeting of the board on June 27th. The board welcomed newly-elected Vice President Jonathan Lamb of New York, and Director Spencer Hackett of Minnesota (Region 6), along with returning Directors Steve Keene of Maine (Region 1), Benjamin Newberry of Georgia (Region 4), and Peter Dueppengiesser of Wisconsin (At-Large). Officers serve two-year terms, and directors serve three years.