Checkoff Group Utilizes Artificial Intelligence - Cowsmo

Checkoff Group Utilizes Artificial Intelligence

The leader of a checkoff group says artificial intelligence is already helping them get more bang for the farmer’s dollar.

Chad Vincent with Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin states they are using artificial intelligence like Chat GPT for mining data and making faster decisions. “Literally, I typed in ‘tell me a little bit about Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin’ and within .43 seconds, it spit back out two pages of everything we’re doing in our words, and to a stranger, would give you a clear identity and understanding of what we’re doing in less than a minute.”

Vincent says farmers won’t have to be A-I experts, but should pay attention and keep their minds open to the new tools.  He says Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin is already using artificial intelligence for consumer research. “Instead of doing focus groups where you’d go to a city and have like eight people in a room and you could do three in a night, now we’re having virtual conversations using A-I robots asking them about sustainability and about other critical research elements in Wisconsin, and we can do a thousand a day for a fraction of the cost.”

Vincent says the technology is also coming directly to the farm. “Instead of using pesticides across the entire field, they’ve got machines now that will go across, identify weeds, and then do a red laser dot at the weed and kill the weed doing around six thousand a minute so imagine the changes that are coming. For artificial intelligence, we’re just at the tip of the spear.”

Vincent says many major corporations are investing heavily into artificial intelligence because of the rapid and economic benefits.

Vincent was interviewed during the recent Professional Dairy Producers Dairy Insights Summit in Madison, Wisconsin.

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