California Holstein Convention - Cowsmo

California Holstein Convention

The California State Convention was held January, Thursday 24th – January, Saturday 26th. The South San Joaquin Holstein Club was the Host Club. The Convention took place in Visalia California at the Marriot Hotel.  Photos & report supplied by Sarah Zonneveld watch for more over the weekend! To see highlights from the California Convention sale click here.

Holstein Association USA Regional Meeting

Welcome given by Holstein Region 9 National Director – Pat Maddox

–  Bill Verboort & Denise Athy from AgriTech Analytics
–  John Meyer CEO Holstein Association USA, Dan Meihak Holstein Association USA, Dr. Sam Comstock
–  Dennis Edlund & Angie Kennedy Holstein Reps
–  Dick Easterson former Holstein Rep

Speaker: Sam Comstock, PhD, Holstein USA Genetics Programmer Analyst
Topic: Capturing added Value with Holstein Beef

The main focus was on fed beef. Which is dairy animals raised to be beefed not milked.  When approaching Holstein beef from a marketing standpoint

-Holsteins are the largest populated breed of cattle, consistent quality from years of good breeding
-There is a steady supply because Holsteins are not seasonal calver’s
-Registered Holsteins have a story that can be traced
-Holstein beef is a high quality beef with both “High Choice” and “Prime” grades
a) Holstein Beef averages 12% prime beef, including cull animals
b) -Whereas the average across all beef in the U.S. only 3% is graded prime

– Beef population is the lowest it has been in over 50 years, and the market price is extremely high. Benefits of calf fed feeding versus traditional feeding
– Calf fed is a high grain ration immediately after weaning
– Traditional is lost cost forage feed after weaning and all animals are finished with grain
a) Calf fed beef offers higher quality, better tasting beef with more consistent marbling
–   Discussion followed when a question arose about the possibility of using genomics to better predict beef quality.
a) This possibility is currently being researched

Speaker – John Meyer, CEO of Holstein Association USA
–  New ideal Holstein bull and cow was unveiled this summer at the National Holstein convention, these were commissioned by Bonnie Mohr
–  There was an amendment made that is less than two people from a region are nominated for the Holstein Board of Directors, then that position becomes an at-large position for 2 terms
–  Talked about Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding, their plan to move proofs away from USDA. Currently Holstein does not support the move and a new revision of the cooperative agreement will be coming soon
–  Updates were given on amount of Registrations, transfers and classifications

Speaker – Pat Maddox
–   Gave a financial report for Holstein USA
–   Urged the support of all for Hank Van Exel, who is running for the Holstein Association USA Vice President position

Speaker – Dennis Edlund
–  Gave locals updates
–   Also spoke about RedBook Plus and Multimate
–   Talked about the new regulations for Interstate travel

Speaker – Bill Verboort, Manager of AgriTech Analytics
–  Gave a short update from update from the company

Delegates announced for the National Holstein Convention
–  Joey Airosa
–  Dino Migliazzo
–  Bill Genasci


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