Andrea Crowe Achievement Award - Cowsmo

Andrea Crowe Achievement Award

Andrea Crowe Achievement Award  “For the everyday love of the Industry”

945663_384467561664122_1714607919_n[1]To celebrate and honor of our friend and colleague Andrea Crowe, and her legacy as a passionate Holstein breeder, exhibitor and community minded individual, this
annual award was created to recognize:

  • Ability to inspire others through positive attitude and  industry involvement.
  • Fostering industry knowledge and interest in youth.
  • Good sportsmanship.

Andrea loved to work hard with family, friends and industry peers for the betterment of the industry, the breed, and for the pure joy of being part of something that isn’t just a job, but rather a way of life that we all cherish.

This award is meant to remind us of Andrea’s passion for life, her positive attitude, and most of all her determination.  All attributes speaking to the Hi-Calibre of Andrea’s character and a life well lived.

The Andrea Crowe Achievement Award will be presented during the heifer show of the National Holstein Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

Young Canadian adults who demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication to the dairy industry, as well as active involvement in their communities will be considered for the award. Candidates will be judged on their level of participation in any of the following areas, showing, exhibiting, and breeding – in any dairy breed, as well as volunteerism. Like Andrea, the individual must possess “the everyday love of the industry” through their personality, integrity and knowledge to make them well respected in the dairy fraternity.

Nominations for the award, along with a brief written biography of the nominee, should be emailed by October 1st, 2017 to [email protected].

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