All-American Holstein & Jersey Contests - Entry Deadline is TODAY! - Cowsmo

All-American Holstein & Jersey Contests – Entry Deadline is TODAY!

Now that the US show season has drawn to a close, it’s time to turn our attention to the All-American Holstein and Jersey contests! Entry deadline is TODAY, November 16th! 

If you have an animal that you would like to enter in the Open or Junior contests of either breed, please click on the All-American 2020 banner ad above. You can enter the online entry system here:

All-American Online Entry System

OR you can download and print out copies of the entry form and either email them or put them in regular mail. We know that many cattle were just shown at Louisville, and you don’t have photos in hand yet – don’t worry, we’ve communicated with the photographers and they know we need photos for the contest!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email or call! It’s been a quirky year for showing cattle and we are trying to keep the contests as flexible and accommodating as possible! 

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