Westerner Dairy Showcase 2023

October 20-21, 2023 @ Red Deer, AB

Mark Nutsford, UK

The Westerner Dairy Showcase 2023 was held October 20-21 at Westerner Park in Red Deer, AB. Cowsmo provided show results, photos coverage of the show. The judge for the shows was Mark Nutsford, UK.

Thank you to Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health for sponsoring the show coverage.

Schedule of Events
Friday October 20, 2023
3pm- Jersey Show

Westerner Dairy Showcase 2023 – Jersey Show from Parkland Audio on Vimeo.


Saturday October 21, 2023
9am- Holstein Show
12:15pm- Milking Classes

Westerner Dairy Showcase 2023 – Holstein Show from Parkland Audio on Vimeo.