Royal Holstein Show 2018
Nov 8-9, 2018 @ Toronto, ON
Jamie Black, NY; Associate Cameron MacGregor, ON#= $data['result_description2']; ?>
The Complete Image Gallery from the Royal Holstein Show 2018 is now available for you to view, share and purchase photos. Congratulations to Ferme Jacobs on their Grand Champion, Jacobs Windbrook Aimo, the winning 4 Year Old!
Visit the Royal Broadcast Archives HERE
Official Judge: Jamie Black
Jamie Black was raised in eastern Ontario at Montdale Holsteins and now lives in Brushton, New York, where he owns and operates Opportunity Holsteins and Jerseys. Growing up, Jamie was an accomplished dairy fitter while buying and selling leading show animals. He is extremely honoured and humbled to have owned over 60 All-American and All-Canadian nominated animals in multiple breeds. Jamie is thoroughly involved in the business, especially working as a Sale Manager and a Sale Contact for many elite sales across North America.
1. What has been your most memorable judging experience so far? I have had lots of great judging experiences but I am sure that the Holstein Show at the Royal this year will certainly be the highlight of my judging career.
2. Who is your favorite cow of all time? One that you have judged and/or one that you admire. I will keep that a secret because I am sure some of my favourites will be at the Royal! However, some cows that I have always admired include: Vandenberg Amedeo Gorgeous, Thrulane James Rose and RF Goldwyn Hailey.
3. What do you love the most about judging? I really enjoy evaluating good cows and comparing each cow to the true type model in my mind. I also find it an honour to be voted and entrusted by breeders and exhibitors to judge their cows based on my opinion.
4. Describe the feeling you had when you got the call to judge the Royal. I was so honoured and excited. Judging the Royal is always something I wanted to do. To be on the ballot is one thing, but to be selected over two great judges and cowmen was truly humbling.
5. What are you looking for in your winners? I am looking for balanced dairy cows with great udders and functional feet and legs.
6. Who is your associate judge? How did you select them? Cameron MacGregor was my choice for associate. Ever since the time that I placed my first show, I had always said he would be my associate. We have known and worked with each other for many of years. He has always been a mentor to me, but most importantly, he’s always been a great friend.
7. What is your best piece of advice for upcoming judges or ones that aspire to judge big shows? My best piece of advice to any aspiring judge is to be honest and make yourself happy. A very good friend of mine always gave me the advice of “Judge, take what you like!”
The Complete Image Galleries from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 2018 are now available for you to view, share and purchase photos.
Holstein calves
Holstein Yearling heifers
Holstein Intermediate Cows
Holstein Senior Cows
Holstein Grand Champion
Holstein winners circle
Holstein winners circle
Royal Holstein Ring Presentation
Live Feed & Show Program
Thank you to Premier Sponsor Kubota for their support of the Royal Holstein Show & Cowsmo’s coverage of the event!
Junior Champion
Junior Champion
Miss OCD Doorm Georgette (Doorman), 1st Intermediate Calf, Brian Joseph Enright, ON
Reserve Junior Champion
JM Valley Dempsey Lyzara (Dempsey), 1st Summer Yearling, JM Valley Holstein, F&D Borba, R&S Allyn & Stephane Gendreau, QC
HM Junior Champion
Glennholm Mario Merciless (Mario), 1st Junior Yearling, Glenholme Holsteins, Kingsway Farms & Millen Farms, ON
Intermediate Champion
Intermediate Champion
Mapleley Goldwyn Julia (Goldwyn), 1st Senior 3yr Old, Elitehaven Genetics, Frank & Diane Borba, Gerald Todd & Lookout Holsteins, QC
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Florbil Doorman Lilly (Doorman), 1st Senior 2yr Old, Quality Holsteins, Oscar Dupasquier, Florbil Farms, Beckridge Holsteins & Agriber Societa Agricola SRL, ON
HM Intermediate Champion
Ms Smith-Oak PW D Maggie (Doorman), 2nd Senior 2yr Old, London Dairy & Clarkvalley Holsteins, ON
Champion Bred & Owned
Champion Bred & Owned
Jacobs Windbrook Aimo (Windbrook), 1st 4yr Old, Ferme Jacobs Inc., QC
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned
Jacobs Lauthority Loana (Lauthority), 1st Mature Cow, Ferme Jacobs & Pat Conroy, QC
Grand Champion
Grand Champion
Jacobs Windbrook Aimo (Windbrook), 1st 4yr Old, Ferme Jacobs Inc., QC
Reserve Grand Champion
Jacobs Lauthority Loana (Lauthority), 1st Mature Cow, Ferme Jacobs & Pat Conroy, QC
HM Grand Champion
Liddleholme Resur Lu (Ressurect), 1st Production Cow, Anthony Liddle, NY
Summer Calf (26)
1. (B&O) Leachfield Atwood Dazzle (Atwood), Peter Leach, ON
2. JM Valley HO Magestic (High Octane), JM Valley Holsteins, QC
3. Liddleholme Slmn Crystal ET (Solomon), T&S Abbott & Aaron Eaton, CT
4. Aspiration LY-GC Allie Magicae (Leap Year), Lyndon Stewart & Associates Inc., ON
5. Lilyking L’Angel (Solomon), LilyKing Farm & Trekili Holsteins, ON
6. Millen Solomon Ellie (Solomon), Millen Farms & Hamming Holsteins, ON
7. Delcreek Nothing But Trouble (Jacoby), Peter Rylaarsdam, ON
8. Sidbeauty Blake Brea-Et (Blake), Eaton Holsteins & BC & C Murphy & Ferme Dupetit Cheme, NY
9. Malic Lotus Elvnia (Lotus), Ferme Malic, QC
10. Crovalley Solomon Appleseed (Solomon), Crovalley Holsteins, ON
Junior Calf (46)
1. Reyncrest Avalanche Lusha ET (Avalanche), Velthius Farms Ltd., ON
2. Mapel Wood Doorman Dancer (Doorman), Howard-View & Howard Haven, ON
3. Oakfield Avalan Liberty (Avalanche), Westcoast Holsteins, BC (Keaton Phoenix 4-H)
4. Blondin T&L Avalanche Angelina (Avalanche), Glamourview Holstein, MD
5. (B&O) Kingsway Dempsey Aloha (Dempsey), Kingsway Farms & Meaghan Herrington, ON
6. Sidbeauty Avlanch Bailey-ET (Avalanche), B&C Murphy, Co-Vale Holsteins & Eaton Holsteins, NY
7. Gleann Gracie A (Avalanche), Beckholm Holsteins, ON
8. Kingsway Crush A Tycoon (Crush), Kingsway Farms & Meaghan Herrington, ON
9. Weeksdale Goldilicious (Gold Chip), Elmer Weeks & Letarte Holstein, PE
10. Duhibou Chief Proud (Chief), Ferme Duhibou Inc., QC
Intermediate Calf (49)
1. Miss OCD Doorm Georgette ET (Doorman), Brian Joseph Enright, ON
2. Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Ferme Cerpolait S.E.N.C, QC
3. Sun-Made Crave Drn Diane ET (Doorman), Jaquemet Holsteins, JR McDonald & Riverdown Holsteins, ON
4. MS Luncrest Ali-1949 Red (Avalanche), Matt Hawbaker, F&D Borba & Parrabel Genetics, MD
5. Messidor Expander Brianna (Exapnder), Alexandre Gauthier, Ferme Charest 2001 Inc., & Ferme Kamlake, QC
6. All-Glo Byway Montral ET (Byway), London Dairy Farms & Clarkvalley Holsteins, ON
7. (B&O) Weeksdale Jantunen Cherokee (Jantunen), Elmer Weeks, PE
8. Oconcrest Dempsey Senorita (Dempsey), Beckholm Holsteins, ON
9. Millen Solomon Dina (Solomon), Millen Farms, ON
10. Milibro Dempsey Roselatine (Dempsey), Ferme Milibro Inc., QC
Senior Calf (41)
1. Garay Doorman Blind Date (Doorman), Brian Joseph Enright, ON
2. Luncrest Ambission-1924 (High Octane), Ferme Glauser & Fils Inc., QC
3. Knonaudale Sunnylodge Jasmine (Jacoby), Velthuis Farms Ltd., ON
4. All-Glo O Kool Tully (O Kool), London Dairy Farms & Clarkvalley, ON
5. (B&O) Miley Avalanche Genessee (Avalanche), Kevin Doeberiener, OH
6. Winright Goldwyn Karamel (Goldwyn), Brian Joseph Enright & Mary Inn Holsteins, ON
7. Blondin Avalanche Darleen (Avalanche), Ferme Blondin, QC
8. Milksource Dempsey Amour (Dempsey), MilkSource Genetics LLC., WI
9. Idee Imac 645 (Imac), El
10. Crovalley Solomon Sparkle (Sid), Aleah Farms, Ava Doner, Gerardo & Jose Gonzalez, Howard W. Doner & Select Farm & Export Services, ON
Summer Yearling (28)
1. (B&O) JM Valley Dempsey Lyzara (Dempsey), JM Valley Holstein, F&D Borba, R&S Allyn & Stephane Gendreau, QC
2. Kirklea Jacoby Bubblegum (Jacoby), Bethany MacDonald, Robert MacDonald & Rob Heffernan, ON
3. Ulmar Control Eternity (Control), Pfister Dairy, ON
4. Kingsway Doorman Amuse (Doorman), Kingsway Farms & Straitside Holsteins, ON
5. Petitclerc Control Arianna (Control), Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc et Fils Inc., QC
6. Oakfield Blake Luxuriant (Blake), Kevin Doberiener, William Schilling & Lindsey Bowen, OH
7. Rosedale Avala Lollipop-Red (Avalanche), Clarkvalley & London Dairy, ON
8. Rotaly Tonka Kane (Tonka), Elmer Weeks, PE
9. Vale-O-Skene Diamond Gemma (Diamondback), Vale-O-Skene Holsteins, ON
10. Belfast Carmello Janick (Carmello), Ferme Lanormande & Yvon Chabot, QC
Junior Yearling (37)
1. (B&O) Glennholm Mario Merciless (Mario), Glennholme Holsteins, Kingsway Farms & Millen Farms, ON
2. Ms Maple-Downs A S Gwen (Aftershock), Clarkvalley Holsteins & Dalton J. Faris, ON
3. Ryan-Vu Goldwyn Ravish (Goldwyn), Kevin Doberiener, Lindsey Bowen, William Schilling & C&A Ryan, OH
4. Winright Beemer Baby Enthem (Beemer), Brian Joseph Enright, ON
5. Fleury Douglas Lisaly (Douglas), Velthuis Farms Ltd., ON
6. Garay Solomon Alix (Solomon), Frank & Diane Borba, Lookout Holsteins, Michael Heath, Gasper Fillion & Triple-T Hoolsteins, QC
7. Craigcrest Rejoice Blackbeauty (Diamondback), Chelsey & Jeff Stephens, ON
8. Cerpolait Doorman Fantastic (Doorman), Ferme Cerpolait SENC, QC
9. Blondin Jacoby Tanya (Jacoby), Ferme Blondin, QC
10. Blondin Avalanche Sasha (Avalanche), Elmer Weeks & Diamond Hill Farms, PE
Andrea Crowe Achievement Award
Kevin Jacobs, QC
Intermediate Yearling (21)
1. (B&O) Winright Gold Chip Explosion (Gold Chip), Brian Joseph Enright, ON
2. JM Valley Atwood Aly (Atwood), Ferme Rodemsay, JP Proulx, JM Valley Holstein, R&S Allyn & Stephane Gendreau, QC
3. Cocalico Goldwyn Morgan (Goldwyn), Kevin Doberiener, Lindsey Bowen & Michael Heath, OH
4. Craigcrest Rubies Smarty Pants (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
5. Bonnie Brae Ape Quinn (Ape), Robert, Dale & Wendy Crawford, ON
6. Claircrest Atwood Marmelade (Atwood), Clair E. Petherick, ON
7. Ronbeth Doorman Sultana (Doorman), Clarkvalley Holsteins, Keaton Phoenix, Mt. Elgin Dairy Farms & Peter Leach, ON
8. Kingsway Doorman Rowdy (Doorman),
9. Unique Solomon Lovely (Solomon), Gerardo & Jose Gonzalez & Select Farm & Export Services Inc., ON
10. Petitclerc Armani Superbe (Armani), Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc et Fils Inc., QC
Junior Breeders Herd (13)
1. Winright Holsteins, ON
2. JM Valley Holstein, QC
3. Ferme Garay, QC
4. Kingsway Farms, ON
5. Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc et Fils Inc., QC
Premier Sire - Heifer Show
Val-Bisson Doorman
Junior Premier Exhibitor
Winright Holsteins, ON
Junior Premier Breeder
JM Valley Holstein, QC
Milking Yearling (22)
1. (BU) MS PG PV Doorman Aspire (Doorman), Stephen & Patrick Maddox, CA
2. (B&O) Repa Jennia Doorman (Doorman), Isabelle Houle, Francis Bilodeau, Melanie Parenteau & Rejean Parenteau, QC
3. Bonaccueil Ranta Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Ferme Glauser & Fils Inc., QC
4. Lellavan Avalanche Fuji (Avalanche), Brandon Almeida & Frank & Diane Borba, QC
5. Midas-Touch Av Cling (Avalanche), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
6. Smithden McCutchen Lainey (McCutchen), Mapel Wood Farms, Silvercap Holsteins, Smithden Holsteins & Vogue Cattle Co., ON
7. Bosdale Solomon Portlea (Solomon), Kingsway Farms, ON
8. Hodglynn Beem Me Up (Beemer), Hodglynn Holsteins, Little Star Holsteins, Gerardo & Jose Gonzalez & Select Farm & Export Services, ON
9. Jacobs Dempsey Lady (Dempsey), Ferme Jacobs, QC
10. Weeberlac Doorman Summit (Doorman), Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc et Fils Inc., QC
Curtis Clark Achievement Award
Don Chalack, Wendon Holsteins, AB
Junior 2 Year Old (20)
1. (BU) Garay Awesome Beauty (Awesome), Frank & Diane Borba, Gerald Halbach & Lookout Holsteins, QC
2. Midas-Touch Jedi Jangle (Jedi), London Dairy Farms & Clarkvalley Holsteins, ON
3. Tolamika Armani Will (Armani), Ferme Glauser & Fils Inc., QC
4. Roll-N-View Byway Lightning (Byway), Chip Savage, MD
5. (B&O) Premium Gold Divine (Goldwyn), Francis Morneau, QC
6. Leachland Atwood Patricia (Atwood), Ferme Blondin, QC
7. Autumn Lane Roswitha Rockstar (Doorman), Robella Holsteins, SK
8. Sicy Doorman Bozie (Doorman), Ferme Yvon Sicard, QC
9. Milksource Byway Affection (Byway), Triple-T Holsteins, Entourage-LC & Michael Heath, OH
10. Idee Doorman Lysa (Doorman), JM Valley Holstein & London Dairy, QC
Senior 2 Year Old (14)
1. (BU, B&O) Florbil Doorman Lilly (Doorman), Quality Holsteins, Oscar Dupasquier, Florbil Farms, Beckridge Holsteins & Agriber Societa Agricola SRL, ON
2. Ms Smith-Oak PW D Maggie (Doorman), London Dairy & Clarkvalley Holsteins, ON
3. Fraeland Black Beauty (Bradnick), Beckholm Holsteins, ON
4. Jacobs Doorman Victoire (Doorman), Ferme Jacobs & Franics Morneau, QC
5. Bernadale Goldwyn Indigo (Goldwyn), Mickael Paris & Jocelyn Cote, QC
6. Sco-Lo-AF Sid Sangria (Sid), MilkSource Genetics LLC., WI
7. Damestar Doorman Brandy (Doorman), Ferme Jacobs, QC
8. Blondin Integral Elmira (Integral), Ferme Blondin, QC
9. Kingsway Goldwyn Elvira (Goldwyn), Kingsway Farms, ON
10. Laforstar Voltige Defiant (Defiant), Mickael Paris & Jocelyn Cote, QC
Junior 3 Year Old (17)
1. (BU) Alfinch Zelgodis Taci (Zelgadis), Trent Valley Holsteins, ON
2. (B&O) Jacobs McCutchen Britt (McCutchen), Ferme Jacobs, QC
3. Oakfield A Shampagne (Armani), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
4. Roll-N-View Def Bojangles (Defiant), Cooper Galton & Christopher Savage, MD
5. Vinbert Kingboy Birdy (Kingboy), Ferme Vinbert, Kingsway Farms, Lilyking Farm, Trekili Holsteins, ON
6. R-M Atwood Brenda (Atwood), Dalton J. Faris, ON
7. Coxlyn Brokaw Roberta (Brokaw), Trent Valley Holsteins, ON
8. Hendercroft Atwood Harmony (Atwood), Quality Holsteins & Agriber Societa Agricola SRL, ON
9. Sikmadale Fricosons D Freezie (Doorman), Marthaven Holsteins & Verda Farms, On
10. Maplekay O K Eileen (O Kaliber), Maplekay Farms Ltd., ON
Senior 3 Year Old (18)
1. (BU) Mapleley Goldwyn Julia (Goldwyn), Elitehaven Genetics, Frank & Diane Borba, Gerald Todd & Lookout Holsteins, QC
2. Valleyville Goldwyn Bissy (Goldwyn), Quality Holsteins, Marcello Ladina & Agriber Societa Agricola SRL, ON
3. Ms Goldwyn Saturday (Goldwyn), Ferme Intense, Ferme Jacobs & William Morille, QC
4. Gleann Brady Privateer (Brady), Mickael Paris & Jocelyn Cote, QC
5. (B&O) Weeksdale Absolut Vodka (Absolute), Elmer Weeks, Frank & Diane Borba, Hodglynn Holsteins & Rocky Allen, PE
6. GEG Sid Madonna (Sid), Ferme Ralston SENC, QC
7. Kingsway Goldwyn Ladonna (Goldwyn), Kingsway Farms, ON
8. Kingsway Goldwyn Lauren (Goldwyn), Hodglynn Holsteins, Kingsway Farms, Gerardo & Jose Gonzalez & Select Farm & Export Service, ON
9. Petitclerc Golddust Sweetie (Golddust), Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc & Fils Inc., QC
10. Corlane Seaver Misty (Seaver), Frank & Carol Borba & Frank & Diane Borba, CA
4 Year Old (15)
1. (BO & BU) Jacobs Windbrook Aimo (Windbrook), Ferme Jacobs Inc., QC
2. Idee Windbrook Lynzi (Windbrook), Frank A & Diane Borba, JM Valley Holstein, Richard & Shannon Allyn & Stephane Gendreau, QC
3 Juniper-Haven Atwood Dolly (Atwood), K Doeberiener, L Bower & M Heath, OH
4. Willows -Edge Atwod Faith Et (Atwood), Velthuis Farms Ltd., ON
5. Webb View Butterballs McCutchen (McCutchen), Benbie Holsteins Ltd., Lakefield Farm, & Robella Holsteins, SK
6. Trefle Chassep Doorman (Doorman), Milk Source LLC., WI
7. Hicklee Brokaw Gypsy (Brokaw), Quality Holsteins, ON
8. Harwood Atwood Botelli (Atwood), Jenna Langer & Joel Keitzaman, WI
9. Belcher Goldchip Jellybean (Goldchip), Freiland Holstein, ON
10. Migno Doorman Gigi (Doorman), Dalton J Faris, ON
5 Year Old (13)
1. (BU) Jacobs Jordan Carmel (Jordan), Ferme Blondin, QC
2. Co-Vale Dempsey Dina (Dempsey), Ransom-Rail & MilkSource Genetics LLC., WI
3. Al-Shar Dempsey Alison (Dempsey), Ferme Blondin & Ferme Yvon Sicard, QC
4. Jeanlu Stanleycup Alexis (Stanley Cup), Signature Holsteins, ON
5. Wayholme Reginald Petunia (Reginald), Glenbert Holsteins & Marthaven Holsteins, ON
6. Bernalta Dude Dressy (Dude), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
7. (B&O) Milibro Dempsey Priska (Dempsey), Ferme Milibro Inc., QC
8. Midas-Touch MCut Malibu (McCutchen), Ndira Inc., CA
9. Kingsway Windbrook Jazz (Windbrook), Kingsway Farms, ON
10. Upper Canada Atwood Delight (Atwood), Kingsway Farms, ON
Mature Cow (13)
1. (BU, B&O) Jacobs Lauthority Loana (Lauthority), Ferme Jacobs & Pat Conroy, QC
2. TK-Plain-View Ripley (Dempsey), MilkSource Genetics LLC., WI
3. Weeks Dundee Anika (Dundee), MIlkSource Genetics LLC., WI
4. Lovhill Braxton Funky (Braxton), Reid Stransky & T&L Cattle Ltd., MN
5. Cavanaleck Dempsey Bozica (Dempsey), Ferme Du Petit Chene, Ferme Yvon Sicard & Pierre Boulet, QC
6. Homtosta Attic Fereeda (Attic), Ferme Ralston SENC, QC
7. Zimmer Krusader Ava (Krusader), Benbie Holsteins, Robella Holsteins & Duane G. Zimmer, SK
8. Hendercroft Fever Bazooka (Fever), Herbert Henderson, ON
9. Knonaudale Muddy (Sid), Knonaudale Farms Inc., ON
10. St-Jacob Goldwyn Hazel (Goldwyn), Elitestreet Genetics, Hodglynn Holsteins & Little Star Holsteins, ON
Production Cow (6)
1. (BU, B&O) Liddleholme Resur Lu (Ressurect), Anthony Liddle, NY
2. Loyalyn Goldwyn June (Goldwyn), Pierre Boulet, QC
3. Jacobs Fever Cael (Fever), Ferme Jacobs, QC
4. Phoenix Baxter Geometry (Baxter), High Point Farms, ON
5. Robella Goldwyn Edgeley (Goldwyn), Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc et Fils Inc., QC
6. Jacobs Sanchez Jolianne (Sanchez), Ferme Fortale Holstein, Ferme Intense & Pierre Boulet, QC
Donald Dubois Showmanship Award
Roger Turner, WI
Breeders Herd (3)
1. Ferme Jacobs, QC
2. Hendercroft Holsteins, ON
3. Kingsway Farms, ON
Premier Sire
Val-Bisson Doorman
Premier Breeder
Premier Breeder
Ferme Jacobs, QC
Runner Up
Kingsway Farm, ON
Premier Exhibitor
Premier Exhibitor
Ferme Jacobs, QC
Runner Up
Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Production Award Winner
Production Winner
Florbil Doorman Lilly (Doorman), Quality Holsteins, Oscar Dupasquier, Florbil Farms, Beckridge Holsteins & Agriber Societa Agricola SRL, ON