Midwest National Spring Red & White Show 2013

April 19, 2013 @ Jefferson, WI

Chris McCullough

ALL CLASS PHOTOS NOW ADDED! Jerland Tal Giovanna-Red-ET Grand Champion.  Full results and photos online from the Midwest National Spring Red & White

Open Show Junior CXhampions

Junior Champion of Open Show
Budjon-Vail Deidra-Red-ET (Secure-Red), Fall Yearling, Michael & Dr. Laura Rammer, WI

Reserve Junior Champion of Open Show
Lake-Prairie Allison-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Joe & Marvin Schluter, 2nd Fall Yearling, IL

HM Junior Champion of Open Show
Mil-R-Mor Desire-Red-TW (Barbwire-Red-ET), Fall Calf, West Coast Holsteins, BC

Junior Show Junior Champions

Junior Champion of Junior Show
Crescentmead Sweetie Pie-Red (Reed-Red-ET), Summer Yearling, Grady Wendorf, WI.

Reserve Junior Champion of Junior Show
Westphal-ELG BWR Mojito-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), Winter Yearling, C, A, C, R
Booth, WI

HM Junior Champion of Junior Show
Ms Kampy Brbwr Prudence-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), 2nd Jr. Summer Yearling, Derrek Kamphuis,WI

Intermediate Champions of the Open Show

Intermediate Champion of Open Show
Milksource CNTDR Lovely-Red (Contender-Red), Jr 2 year old, Krull & Griswold, Lake Mills, WI

Reserve Intermediate Champion of Open Show
MS Scratchwell Pinata-Red-ET (Reality-Red), 2nd Jr 2 year old, David Crack Jr., David Crack Sr., Lookout Holsteins & Dusty Schirm, QC & OH

HM Intermediate Champion of Open Show
Sellcrest S Candy Apple-Red (Samar-Red-ET), Sr 3 year old, Andrew Sell, WI

Junior Show Grand Champions

Grand Champion of Junior Show
Swiss Acres Morris Ubi-D-Red (Morris-Red-ET), 125,00lbs, Carson Kasbergen, WI

Reserve Grand Champion of Junior Show
Milksource CNTDR Lovely-Red (Contender-Red), Jr 2 year old, Krull & Griswold, Lake Mills, WI

HM Grand Champion of Junior Show
Sellcrest S Candy Apple-Red (Samar-Red-ET), Sr 3 year old, Andrew Sell, WI

Open Show Grand Champions

Grand & Senior Champion of Show
Jerland Tal Giovanna-Red-ET (Talent-Imp-ET), 4 year old, Stransky & Dykshorn, MN

Reserve Grand & Reserve Senior Champion of Show
Dupasquier Contender Wh-Red-ET (Contender-Red), 2nd 4 year old, Milksource Genetics, WI

Best Bred & Owned of Show

Jerland Tal Giovanna-Red-ET (Talent-Imp-ET), 4 year old, Stransky & Dykshorn, MN

Best Udder of Show
Dupasquier Contender Wh-Red-ET (Contender-Red), 2nd 4 year old, Milksource Genetics, WI

Honorable Mention Senior Champion
Ms Radiance Adv Rae-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Aged Cow, Osinga & Koster

Premier Awards

Premier Breeder
Lyons-DL HolsteinsIA

Premier Exhibitor
Milksource Genetics, WI

Premier Sire
KHW Kite Advent-Red

Winter Heifer Calf (5)

1.MMT Empty Pockets Booty Call-Red (Redburst), Grant, Brooke, Carson &
Garrett Kasbergen, IL
2. 2nd-Brooke Ima Schmuk-Red-ET (Contender-Red), K & K Hodorff, WI.
3. Cleland Brbwre Kayla-Red-ET (Barbwire-Red-ET), James & Vicky Cleland, WI
4. Miss Barbwire Vee-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), Jenna Langer, WI
5. B-Long Mustang-Red (Redburst), Bret Long, WI

Fall Heifer Calf (16)

1.Mil-R-Mor Desire-Red-TW (Barbwire-Red-ET), West Coast Holsteins, BC
2. Duckett Picolo Liz-Red (Picolo-Red), Mike & Julie Duckett, WI.
3. Milksource LD Teagin-Red (Ladd P-Red-ET), Milksource Genetics, WI
4. Swanee-Lee Ms Dynomite-Red (Kickoff-Red), Linda Swanson, IL
5. Bri Mel Acres DR Avalanche-Red (Durham Red), Bri Mel Holsteins, IL

Summer Yearling Heifer (12)

1. Jerland SH Guilttrip-Red-ET (Chris-ET), Stransky & Kohls, MN
2. Duckett Letas Love-Red-ET (Picolo-Red), Mike & Julie Duckett, WI.
3. Crescentmead Sweetie Pie-Red (Reed-Red-ET), Grady Wendorf, WI
4. Ms Morsan Piclo Tsunami-Red (Picolo-Red), Milksource Genetics, WI
5. Ms Kampy Brbwr Prudence-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), Derrek Kamphuis,WI

Spring Yearling Heifer (11)

1. Lyn-Vale BW Phoebe-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), William Schultz III, WI
2. Nisenfancy Piclo Fizzle-Red (Picolo-Red), Milksource Genetics, WI
3. Siemers Barbwire Reba-Red-ET (Barbwire-Red-ET), Siemers Holsteins, WI
4. Vons-Zast Duce Diva-Red (Deuce-ET), Highlife Holsteins, WI
5. A&M Bushman Sunburn-Red-ET (Contender-Red), Milksource Genetics, WI

Winter Yearling Heifer (8)

1.Siemers Destry Joy-Red-ET (Barbwire-Red-ET), C, J, J, J, C, L Siemers, WI
2. Hoesly Hvezda Kiss Me-Red (Hvezda-ET), Milksource Genetics, WI
3. Westphal-ELG BWR Mojito-Red (Barbwire-Red-ET), C, A, C, R Booth, WI
4. Lyn-Vale Barbie Doll-Red (Hylite Barbwire-Red-ET), William Schultz III, WI.
5. Milksource Dty Tammy-Red-ET (Scientific Destry-ET), Grady Wendorf, WI

Fall Yearling Heifer (10)

1. Budjon-Vail Deidra-Red-ET (Secure-Red), Michael & Dr. Laura Rammer, WI
2. Lake-Prairie Allison-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Joe & Marvin Schluter, IL
3. Budjon-Vail Damaris-Red-ET (Camden-Red), Frank & Diane Borba, Lomira, WI
4. Stranshome Simply-Red-ET (Contender-Red), J, Z, J, D Stansky, MN
5. Lyn-Vale Malorie-Red-ET (Attitude-Red-ET), William Schultz III, WI

Junior 2-Year-Old (5)

1. Milksource CNTDR Lovely-Red (Contender-Red), Krull & Griswold, Lake Mills, WI
2. MS Scratchwell Pinata-Red-ET (Reality-Red), David Crack Jr., David Crack Sr., Lookout Holsteins & Dusty Schirm, QC & OH
3. Paulsoncrest Mars-Red (C-Haven Soccer-P-Red-ET), Brian & Tammy Paulson, WI
4. Lyons-DL Secure Ginseng-Red (Fradon Jet-Red-ET), Michael Lyons, IA
5. Summerwynd Sacramento-Red (Apples Absolute-Red-ET), Marcus Schroepfer, WI

Senior 2-Year-Old (7)

1. Jerland Absolute Nancy-Red (Absolute-Red-ET), J, Z, J, &D Stransky, MN
2. Siemers Destry Sunny-Red-ET (Destry-ET), Gage Lisowe, Newton, WI
3. Ms Stranshome Alltheway-Red (Redliner), J, Z, J & D Stransky, MN
4. Milksource CNTDR Lynn-Red-ET (Contender-Red), C, A, C & R Booth, WI
5. Lyn-Vale Picolo Fantasy-Red (Picolo-Red), Heida & Hongslo, SD

Junior 3-Year-Old (4)

1. Mapleoak Acme Sweetheart-Red (Acme-ET), Graisson Schmidt
2. Wildrose Director Lori-Red (Director-Red-ETS), Joe Gibbs, IA
3. Ourway Destry Sparkle-Red (Destry-ET), Halee Raymond, WI
4. Hylite Jet Ms Fab-Red-TW (Jet-Red-ET), T, C, & M Endres, WI

Senior 3-Year-Old (2)

1. Sellcrest S Candy Apple-Red (Samar-Red-ET), Andrew Sell, WI
2. McWilliams Sandra-Red (Contender-Red), Majestic View Genetics, WI

4-Year-Old (15)

1. Jerland Tal Giovanna-Red-ET (Talent-Imp-ET), Stransky & Dykshorn, MN
2. Dupasquier Contender Wh-Red-ET (Contender-Red), Milksource Genetics, WI
3. Benrise Royce Gretchen-Red (Royce-Red-ET), Siemers Holsteins, WI
4. Ms She’s A Siren-Red (Advent-Red-ET), Highlife Holsteins, WI
5. St-Yle-SA Jumpn4Joy-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), C & A Galton and B & M
Winnie, NY

5-Year-Old Cows (3)

1. Sty-Yle-SA Iz Joytime-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Stephanie Aves, IL
2. Krull Advent Smiley-Red (Advent-Red-ET), Carley Krull, IL
3. Al-Shar SDG Evonna-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Zoeller, Water, &
Vierhout, SD

Aged Cows (4)

1. s Radiance Adv Rae-Red-ET (Advent-Red-ET), Osinga & Koster
2. Ms Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET (September Storm-ET), Smith, Hackmann, & Parsons, WI
3. Creeknook Advent Dawn-Red (Advent-Red-ET), Kelsey Crull, WI
4. Lyons-DL Advnt Gennifer-Red (Advent-Red-ET), Michael Lyons, IA

125,000 Lbs Cows (2)

1. Swiss Acres Morris Ubi-D-Red (Morris-Red-ET), Carson Kasbergen, WI
2. Milgene Tribute Jessica-Red, Brett Hildebrandt, WI