CDCB Database Updates June 11-12 - Cowsmo

CDCB Database Updates June 11-12

The CDCB database will be temporarily frozen to transition from animals’ 305-ME (Mature Equivalent) to the new 305-AA (Average Age) yield estimates.

Start: Tuesday, June 11 at 8 a.m. eastern
Complete: Wednesday, June 12, afternoon

Animal’s new 305-AA yield estimates will be visible in WebConnect – and the 305-ME values will be obsolete – as soon as the database is re-opened on June 12.
During the freeze:

  • sFTP files can continue to be uploaded and records submitted through the WebConnect online portal, but no updates will be processed until the transition is complete.
  • WebConnect will remain available, and the database can continue to be queried; however, updates submitted after 8:00 a.m. on June 11 will not be applied until the database is re-opened on June 12.
CDCB staff will thoroughly check results and ensure the update ran as expected before re-opening the database to industry partners and the public on June 12.
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