Kick-Off to June Dairy Month! - Cowsmo

Kick-Off to June Dairy Month!

National Dairy Month is celebrated every year during the month of June throughout the United States.  It is a month-long celebration of the contributions the dairy industry has made for more than 85 years.

Many organizations use National Dairy Month as a platform to introduce the hard working dairy farmers and families that are behind milk and dairy products making it to your grocery store shelves every day.  It is also a great time of year to help educate consumers about the numerous nutritional benefits associated with consuming dairy products including diabetes prevention, heart health, bone health, sports recovery, weight management, and more!

Whether you celebrate by brushing up on some dairy history, making your new favorite dairy-based recipe, or researching about the nutritional benefits of the 13 essential nutrients in milk, find your own way to celebrate this June!

Originally started in 1937 as National Milk Month it was created as a way to promote drinking milk to U.S. consumers as there was a production surplus at the time.The celebration has evolved over time and the name was changed to National Dairy Month after the National Dairy Council got involved to help promote the event. Now it is celebrated every June throughout the dairy industry as a way to encourage consumers to eat and drink more dairy products. It’s also a great time to introduce consumers on the nutritional benefits of different dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream,  and more!

Below we have curated a list of additional resources about National Dairy Month to help you as you plan how to celebrate the upcoming month!

However you choose to celebrate this year we hope you have a wonderful time during the month of June with National Dairy Month!

Source: American Dairy Association North East

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