Krahn Crowned National Jersey Queen - Cowsmo

Krahn Crowned National Jersey Queen

Clancey Krahn, Albany, Ore., has been crowned the 66th National Jersey Queen. Clancey was presented with the Charlene Nardone Crown by outgoing National Jersey Queen Jacqueline Mudd on November 5, 2023, at the start of the National Jersey Jug Futurity.

She will represent Jersey breeders for the next year with participation in events such as the 156th Annual Meeting of the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA), World Dairy Expo and The 72nd All American Jersey Shows & Sales.

Also serving on the national court of royalty are first alternate Meganne Chapman, Cattaraugus, N.Y., and second alternate Emma Vos, Maribel, Wis.

The National Jersey Queen contest spanned three days with six outstanding young women from across the country competing for the coveted crown.

Clancey is a freshman at Linn-Benton Community College with plans to transfer to Oklahoma State University next fall to pursue degrees in animal science and agriculture communications.

Her platform as National Jersey Queen will revolve around the versatility and palatability of Jersey milk. She will help spread the message of how easily Jersey milk converts to more dairy products and the exceptional nutritional profile Jersey milk has compared to other milk.

Clancey is the daughter of Ben and Amy Krahn and is currently serving as the 2023 Western National Jersey Queen. She is the current Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador and was a graduate of Class VIII of Jersey Youth Academy.

She has shown Jerseys at the state, regional and national levels throughout her youth career. She exhibited the Junior Champion of the All American Junior Show in 2023.

Meganne Chapman is a senior at the University of Akron studying civil engineering with the goal of pursuing a master’s degree in the field and becoming dual licensed in civil engineering and surveying. Her career choice would allow her to continue to raise Registered Jerseys on her family farm.

Meganne’s platform focuses on the youth of the dairy industry. She hopes to increase the number of touchpoints Jersey youth have with producers and industry professionals with a similar passion for Jersey cattle. She hopes to inspire others to show the many ways to stay involved with a career in the dairy industry.

Meganne is a graduate of Class VIII of Jersey Youth Academy and is currently serving as the New York Jersey Queen.

Emma Vos, the second alternate, is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying agricultural and applied economics and dairy science. She was the 2023 Fred Stout Experience recipient of the Jersey Marketing Service internship. She also received the Walter and Joyce Owens Family Scholarship in 2023 from the American Jersey Cattle Association.

Emma hopes to promote Jersey milk as a more nutrient dense, digestible milk option for consumption. She is an advocate for getting whole milk back in schools with the goal of encouraging more families to consume the beverage at home as well.

The Queen and her court presented awards for the National Jersey Jug Futurity and The 71st All American Jersey Cow Show.

The Charlene Nardone National Jersey Queen Fund provided scholarships of $500, $300 and $200 to the Queen and two alternates.

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