Holstein Canada welcomes two new National Directors - Cowsmo

Holstein Canada welcomes two new National Directors

Holstein Canada is pleased to welcome two new National Directors to the Board of Directors: Gilles Côté of Saint Bruno, QC will serve as Director for Québec at Large and Doug Peart of Hagersville, ON is the newly elected National Director for Western Ontario. Both positions are one of two Director positions in their respective electoral districts, and were vacant as a result of the Holstein Canada Board of Directors moving from a 10-person to 12-person board this year as requested by the membership. Both Directors will begin their mandate following the Holstein Canada Annual General Meeting to be held in Sherbrooke, QC on April 5, 2014.

Gilles Côté milks 160 cows under the Jeanri prefix and operates the 1,400 acre operation with his brothers Daniel and Dominic. Gilles is Past President of the Saguenay/Lac-Saint-Jean Holstein Club; a Holstein Québec Judge; and a former member of the Holstein Québec Genetics Committee. At a national level, he served six years on the Holstein Canada Breed Advisory Committee. Gilles would like to see Holstein Canada focus on retaining members through new technologies; continuing to promote the Canadian Kind internationally; and working with members to develop an even more productive Holstein cow with greater longevity. Gilles and his wife, Hélène Gagnon have two daughters, Anne Sophie and Alice.

Doug Peart milks 70 cows under the three-time Master Breeder Peartome prefix and operates a 700 acre operation in Haldimand County. He served as the Chairman of the successful 2013 National Holstein Convention in Niagara Falls, ON and is an Official Dairy Cattle Judge with Holstein Canada. Doug looks forward to seeing Holstein Canada stand behind research which supports milk production and components; and work with industry partners to improve the reliability of bull proofs. Doug farms in partnership with his wife, Mary-Ann and daughters, Jennifer and Heather.

Director Gilles Côté can be contacted at [email protected], while Director Doug Peart can be contacted at [email protected]. Please join Holstein Canada in welcoming both Gilles and Doug to the Board of Directors.


Provided by Holstein Canada

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